Posts tagged as: vegan children
My baby turned 5. At the beginning of March, just like that, my tiny little person was a whole year older. And as I’m sitting here trying to find the words to share my feelings about that, I keep typing . . . and erasing. Typing and erasing. It all feels forced. I really don’t [...]
Last Sunday Waits, Jeremy and I had the pleasure of experiencing LA’s newest vegan extravaganza – the LA Vegan Street Fair. Organized by my friend and fellow vegan power-mama Jess from The Vedge, this event is just the latest in a long line of incredible SoCal vegan festivals. And man, I know that when people [...]
Not even 5 and already acting too cool for school. Haha, I love this picture. Dudes. My kid is turning FIVE. What in the what? How did this happen??! No but seriously, I’m for-reals actually completely beside myself over this. It just doesn’t compute. I like, literally can’t even. But okay, let’s just go with [...]
So apparently we are a science family? This came unexpectedly, and was such a pleasant surprise for me. But wee Waits Rebhal hearts science, like a LOT, and of course I’m happy to support his interest. It all started with his fascination with the inner workings of the human body (still his favorite), and then [...]
Alas, the saga of “Sayward The Bad Blogger” continues. Do you celebrate the Winter Solstice? I do. In fact, it’s one of my very favorite holidays. And last week, I threw my first ever Winter Solstice bash. It was my first, because up until now, I’ve been celebrating with my godparents every year. For decades [...]