Posts tagged as: vegan children
Vegan Parenting Moments – a collection of my own little experiences, be they “triumphs” or be they “fails”, as I navigate this wild adventure of raising a vegan child in a non-vegan world. I posted this little saga on my Instagram stories today, and WOW the response was overwhelming. So many people were messaging me [...]
Last week Waits turned SEVEN, which meant that it was once again time for our annual, full-family pilgrimage to the Mouse House, for an exciting, exhausting, fun-filled adventure at the Happiest Place On Earthâ„¢. We came. We saw. We held onto our hats for the wildest ride in the wilderness! Shenanigans! On the road bright [...]
A few weeks back I posted that picture ^^ on Instagram, with the following caption: A picture of wee Waits the last time we went to the dentist, age 6. I recently read an article about a healthy lifestyle blogger who was raising her son vegan until he suffered from terrible tooth decay. She blamed [...]
Spring has sprung and summer is on the way, which means my weekly CSA box is positively packed with fresh produce, like strawberries, apricots, avocados, carrots, cukes, zucchinis, greens and so much more! Waits recently blew my mind by declaring his love for raw zucchini, and proceeding to eat almost an entire raw zucchini, cut [...]
This March, for Waits’s sixth birthday (AHEM WHAT!!!?) and for the third year in a row, our little vegan family went adventuring to worship at the altar of the Mouse. And this time, it wasn’t just Waits and Damian and I. No, we are a thoroughly modern family these days, and our little family has [...]