So apparently we are a science family? This came unexpectedly, and was such a pleasant surprise for me. But wee Waits Rebhal hearts science, like a LOT, and of course I’m happy to support his interest.
It all started with his fascination with the inner workings of the human body (still his favorite), and then came an interest in outer space, and nowadays he’s exploring the dinosaurs. Plus he loves it when I tell him about the labs I teach at school, and I take him into the field with me whenever I can. So yeah, science family – who’da thunk?!
In support of my little blossoming scientist, we recently took a trip to Los Angeles, to visit the LA Science Center (amongst other galavanting around the town).
This is how it went, and what we ate:
Breakfast was blueberry-flavored coconut yogurt with raspberries (the ones we picked and froze this summer) and chia seeds.
And of course, oat milk!
While Waits ate breakfast, I packed up our lunches and made a big batch of fresh juice.
For Waits: cilantro-kale-celery-apple with fresh turmeric root. After I portioned his out I added lots more turmeric and fresh ginger, plus lemon, for Jeremy and I.
After cleanup I got us both dressed and out the door, with just a few errands to run before we could get on the freeway. First stop? Dropping off green juice and the Harley dog at Still.
With boyfriend and dog both taken care of, we were ready to hit the raod.
On to the freeway!
. . . Wheeeere traffic was creeping along at a snails pace. Oh, California drivers in the rain.
After about an hour or so we were both hungry. I had planned and packed a picnic lunch complete with blankie and beach plans, but, well, the rain sorta spoiled that. Whoops!
Oh well, we ate while crawling through traffic on the 101.
Magic Beans for my boy (kidney beans + hemp seeds + nutritional yeast + tamari + olive oil).
And a super salad for me: baby spinach, lentils, tomato, avocado, kalamata olives, and green onions, with a noochy-dijon vinaigrette. So good.
Quick pit stop for gas and potty. Waits was excited to wash my windows, haha. And also we used an alarmingly nasty bathroom. Welcome to LA!
Back on the road, we headed for our first real destination: Rising Hearts Bakery, home of the (literally) best gluten-free vegan breads and pastries I’ve ever eaten. And I mean best by a LONG shot.
Waits is such a charmer.
We always buy LOTS. Sandwich loaves, hamburger buns, brioche, scones, and focaccia. Usually pumpernickel too, but they were out.
It all comes frozen and will stay that way in our insulated bag. We don’t eat tons of bread at home, so this stash will last us a couple of months.
But of course we had to get treats, too. Chocolate chocolate cupcake for the kid.
And a carrot cake whoopie pie for moi.
From there we were finally on our way to the main event – the LA Science Center! This place is massive, and so SO cool. We were so excited!
There’s so much to see and do, like:
Learning about Endosymbiotic Theory, one of the foundational principles of biology.
And looking at giant model neurons, to see how nerve functioning works.
And his absolute, absolute FAVORITE, Tess the 50-foot robot with glowing organs who teaches kids about how homeostasis is maintained in the human body. You should see his face light up when he talks about Tess. Pure joy!
And of course there’s more – there’s flight and physics and lunar landing and optics and all sorts of other fun exhibits. But I was too busy exploring to take photos, for the most part.
It was a pretty incredible afternoon.
Totally tuckered out, he fell asleep during the 1/2-hour drive from the Science Center to Native Foods for dinner.
Mmm Native Foods, how I miss you so! For him: mac n cheese, steamed broccoli, and fries. For me: Scorpion Burger (tempeh patty with avocado and cheddar), kale style to make it gluten-free, with sweet potato fries. YUM!
It takes about an hour and a half to get home, and surprisingly, Waits stayed awake the whole time. And once we arrived, it was straight to bed for books and songs and snuggles.
He insisted on sleeping with “Vipey”, his souvenir rubber snake from the Science Center. “Mama, do you know how to tell it’s poisonous? Triangle head! VENOM glands!!”
This little boy, I tell you. He just bursts my heart wide open.
It was a good day. It’s a good life, ya know?
♥ ♥ ♥
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