Posts tagged as: ex-vegan
Back in May, I gave a seminar at Vida Vegan Con, called “Facing Failing Health As A Vegan” (subheading: “And What Our Community Should Be Doing About It”). I had really wanted to film my talk, but wasn’t able to make it happen. So, I thought I’d share my notes, and the powerpoint slides, for [...]
With Matt Ruscigno, MPH RD (TrueLoveHealth) and Ginny Messina, RD (The Vegan RD). We were nicknamed the “Science Track” for our 3 complimentary science-based presentations. ♥ I’ve been reading a lot of Vida Vegan Con recaps, and a fair number of them start out with the same sentiment: “I’ve been struggling to put into words [...]
Any regular reader of my blog probably knows that the topic of “ex-vegans” is a sort of passion of mine. Ever since I almost became one myself, it’s something that’s rested close to my heart. My personal experience with the subject, combined with my science/biology/research background, has led me down the path of pursuing this [...]
Happy Monday y’all! I just wanted to post this real quick here, and let you guys know that the recording of last Saturday’s Q&A is now available! So if you weren’t able to tune in live, never fear! Watch it here: Or if you’re more the podcasting type, you can download the audio on it’s [...]
Hey guys, happy Friday! I’m so excited to announce that TOMORROW, June 21, at 12:30 PST, I’ll be appearing on a live video chat with the amazing and inspiring Whitney, AKA Eco-Vegan Gal! We’ll be talking about compassionate living, including: -> How can one ensure that a vegan toddler gets all the nutrients they need? [...]