Celebrating FIVE Years With My Favorite Person On Earth

March 9th, 2015 - filed under: The Farm » Family

Waits 5 Years

My baby turned 5. At the beginning of March, just like that, my tiny little person was a whole year older.

And as I’m sitting here trying to find the words to share my feelings about that, I keep typing . . . and erasing. Typing and erasing. It all feels forced. I really don’t know what to say that would express such a big – although in the great grand scheme of the universe, incomprehensibly small, but in the landscape of my own tiny life, just heartbreaking large – moment that this is.

I can’t believe how fast five years has gone. So fast.

Waits Birth Day

Five years ago. Birth Day.

Waits 1 Year
And the day he turned one. He was so proud to be toddling!

Waits 2 Year
Second birthday. His first “chocolate” (it was carob).

Waits 3 Year

Waits The Lizard Prince
And I had to share this picture, which was taken right around his third birthday. It’s one of my very favorite picture of him that’s ever been taken, because I feel like it basically confirms my suspicion that he is, in fact, Jim Morrison reincarnated. (The Lizard Prince?)

Waits 4 Years
His fourth birthday, and that wild Lost Boy hair (this was his Peter Pan phase).

Waits 5th Birthday

My 5-year-old boy is so smart, so friggin’ smart. He loves Star Wars and fairies and wrestling and science. He scales rock walls like a pro climber. He is learning how to share, and he loves to be the big boy and look after his friends. He has spirit and fire and independence, but also incredible tenderness, and genuine want for things to be good and right. He loves animals, and although we’ve had our share of sniffle bugs and even the occasional fever, he’s managed to dodge the majority of the major illnesses that strike so many youngsters these days. He’s never had the flu. Never had an ear infection. Never had to take oral antibiotics.

And can I say that he’s this healthy, smart, and strong, because he’s vegan? Well gosh, of course not. There’s no way to know. But I can say this – it sure ain’t hurtin’!


On his Birthday Eve, we enjoyed a little family celebration. My dad, and Damian, and Waits, and me, and Jeremy. We opened presents (this was the year of Lego Star Wars, let it be known), then walked together over to his very favorite restaurant, for a Thai food birthday feast. He got his pad see ew and he was a very happy boy. After dinner we returned home for candles, singing, and homemade chocolate-covered strawberries (I used my “magic shell” recipe from Rawesomely Vegan). The whole celebration was very simple. Simple and special and absolutely perfect.

Birthday MeasurementBirthday Height

On the morning of his fifth birthday, we measured his height on the “Waits wall”, just like we always do. He’s already grown an inch since December.

This kid.

I’ll tell you though, I am so full of excitement for the next five years. The next five years are going to ROCK. I mean how could they not, with my own little Lizard Prince?

♥ ♥ ♥

  • Meredith

    It’s been such a special treat watching your little plantboy grow up! He’s magical. Keep up the great work!

  • http://www.theveganchickpea.com theveganchickpea

    so sweet and i love the photos. i feel like he looked like such a grown up one year old! and the lizard kind photo is priceless. your little vegan boy is amazing and i cannot wait to see him become even more awesome (if that’s even possible???). you’re doing a good job, mama.

  • http://www.naturallylauren.com/ LaurenGinger

    Aw happy birthday, little guy! And same here on the illness, ear infections, antibiotics! Rock on!!

  • Rebecca Carnes

    The years go by SOOO fast with these little guys! It’s been really great to watch him grow – the first time I saw your blog Phoenyx was about 6months old and I googled “vegan baby breakfast” and Waits’ little baby face popped up with your article on Feeding the Bonzai Baby. He was so happy and healthy, picture perfect vegan babe:) Happy Bday little Mr. Waits! Star Wars is the best!! And thanks to you for paving the way for more of us vegan mommas!!

  • Bianca

    Happy birthday, Waits!!

  • http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com/ Monika {windycityvegan}

    Happy birthday, Waits!

    It really goes by fast, doesn’t it!

  • Lisa B.

    What a tenderly heartwarming post, Sayward! Wishing Waits the happiest of birthdays — 5 is a big one. :)

  • B M

    Happy birthday Waits! May happiness be with you, always. Lizard King reincarnated most definitely :)


  • Deirdre

    Happy birthday to Mama and her big little boy! <3

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you Meredith! I’ve loved sharing our journey with all of you. ♥

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you Caitlin! And yes, that Lizard Prince pic will always have such a special place in my heart. I too cannot wait to see him continue to unfold as an awesome little human! =D

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Wahoo for healthy kiddos!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Oh man Becca, soo fast is right! I remember when we first started talking, I think that was right when P was around a year or so old and really starting to up his solids and explore his food options. Now he’s a full-on little dude! Can’t wait to meet him (and you!) some day. Hopefully we can make a sanctuary visit happen sooner than later. ♥

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thanks lady!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Too fast! I’m sure you know that more than anyone – I can’t believe how old Nina looks in photographs! =D

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you so much Lisa!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thanks B M!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you Deirdre – it was definitely a momentous occasion for *both* of us.

  • Sarah

    Happy birthday, Waits! He’s growing into such a wonderful young man! I’m coveting your “More arts, smarts and hearts” poster- would you mind if I asked where you got it?

  • Sonja

    I’m dying of cuteness-overload right now! Your words, the pics, this boy… amazing! Happy belated Birthday to the faerie-esque Lizard prince :-)

  • Rebecca Carnes

    That would be awesome!!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    I got it at Herbivore (http://www.herbivoreclothing.com/) but I’m not seeing it listed on line. Maybe email them? I’m sure they’d be happy to help direct you to it!

  • http://angieeatspeace.com/ Angie

    Happy Birthday, Waits <3

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