Posts tagged as: dogs
One of my favorite pictures of two of my favorite creatures. June 2011. On Monday, August 17th, we said goodbye to our Harley Dog. Harley The Happy Dragon joined my life unexpectedly, in 2003. He was with me through my tumultuous twenties, through dating and heartbreak and flings that got flung, he was my guy. [...]
In all this time I’ve been blogging away on Bonzai, I’ve never formally introduced the furry men in my life! I’m currently in the process of slowly, finally, switching them over to a veg*n meal plan, and if all goes well I’ll be writing a ton about doggie diets this winter. So it seems an [...]
I’ve gotta admit: I’m a total tech-head. My husband is a web designer and Apple specialist (we call him the iDoctor), and he’s quite the technophile. Here at HQ, computers control the show: multiple synced wireless devices integrate with airport speakers on three floors, a Mac Mini runs the television, and there are hourly, [...]