Posts tagged as: RAW
Oh hello, book-all-about-chocolate. Let’s be friends. So recently MattRuscigno, my ex-vegan-investigating partner in crime, asked me to review his new book, Superfoods For Life: Cacao. And I was like OH TWIST MY ARM FINE, BUT ONLY BECAUSE WE’RE FRIENDSIES and then I ran away and I ate ALL THE CHOCOLATE. For research! But all joking [...]
Fermented salsa is something I’ve been dying to try for years. Years I tell ya! But, well, you know how it goes – life is busy and timing is tough. I long ago realized that I work on a very extended timeline. As in, the average length of time between the first kernel of an [...]
Last Saturday, Jeremy and I took wee Waits Rebhal to the Santa Barbara Fermentation Festival. And I have to admit, I wasn’t really sure what to expect with this event. I mean, Santa Barbara isn’t that big, so I wondered what size of “festival” our crunchy little community would actually be able to support. But [...]
This, my friends, is summer on a platter. So you’ve probably noticed that I don’t post many recipes ’round these parts. And there’s a very good reason for that: I only want to post the really, really good ones. Which seems to be working out nicely, since the last recipe I posted – my Creamy [...]
On the road! Excited en route to the Expo . . . This past Sunday, February 2nd, Waits and I had the absolute pleasure of attending the Raw Living Expo here in southern California. I’m a veteran Veg Fest attendee, but this was my first strictly-raw event, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. [...]