Posts tagged as: local
Hello hello! Are you all caught up on your reading? I did mine while I was away, and I have to say, it was certainly . . . interesting. So far this book is not what I expected! But I won’t get into all that just yet. So, I’ve been wrassling with how to best [...]
Read It! I’m so excited to jump right in to our first ever Bonzai Book Club! The BBC will alternate with the Monday Monthly Mission, and I’ll always announce the book along with the MMM, so you’ll have a full month to get your copy and read ahead if you want. Sound good? This month [...]
Oh time, she flies! It’s been weeks since we’ve peeked in on my Market, as the ever-changing produce marches onward towards those lazy days of summer’s bounty. When FarMar 2011 opened in March, it was all leafy greens and hardy radishes. Since then we’ve seen the arrival of snow and snap peas, which are actually [...]
Can we talk about how happy I am right now? My beautiful, inspiring, beloved – my muse – my dearest Farmers Market, is back open for spring. And I don’t think any combination of flowery adjectives, any number of emphatic exclamation points, could possibly properly express how completely enchanted I am! Last year was the [...]
This is what my kitchen looks like Saturday afternoon, midsummer. Heaven! I’ve written a lot about my adventures at the Farmer’s Market this year, and I’ve often referenced the ‘game’ that D and I always play. We make it our mission each and every week to find at least one *special* item amidst the many. [...]