You know you’re at Expo when . . . your friend the vegan power lifter is double-fisting two 35-lb jackfruits while a bunch of people snap Instagrams and Boomerangs. Huzzah! Sooooo Expo! Expo West is the largest “natural living” trade show in the world; a 4-day extravaganza of healthy food, bath/body/beauty, supplements/wellness, cleaning/home, and any [...]
This past August 1st, I celebrated my 8-year Veganniversary. And as it so happened, this year August 1st fell on a Monday, which was wonderful because that’s Jeremy’s day off and during summer, it can be my day off too. And it was a lovely, lazy, reflective, celebratory day. 8 years. Early morning snuggle-fest. 8 [...]
Spring has sprung and summer is on the way, which means my weekly CSA box is positively packed with fresh produce, like strawberries, apricots, avocados, carrots, cukes, zucchinis, greens and so much more! Waits recently blew my mind by declaring his love for raw zucchini, and proceeding to eat almost an entire raw zucchini, cut [...]
I recently got an email from a reader that went something like this: I’m an on-again off-again vegetarian looking to go vegan. My doctor recently told me that I have to decrease my carbohydrates and increase my protein (she said it had to be animal protein) in order to lose the weight I gained when [...]
Hello All! It’s time for another round of healthy, vegan, seasonal, local, and most of all – EASY – kid’s school lunches packed in reusable, sustainable, and eco-friendly containers. Because geeze, #momlife! And who knew that packing up lunches would become such a pure little pleasure for me? It may sound strange, but I truly [...]