Counterclockwise is, easily and and hands down, one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Did you finish it?? SO GOOD RIGHT?! And just like last time, there are a million ideas and phrases and studies that I want to pull out . . . so much juicy brain food in here! [...]
Damn, but I am seriously enjoying this book. I’ve had so many “HELL YEAH” moments and “Oh, Crap!” moments and “OH OF COURSE!” moments, that I don’t even know where to start this discussion. Not to mention the fact that I really just want to write about each of the amazing studies, so we can [...]
Waits is ready to read. Are you? Hello friends! I’m so excited to present the second selection for our Bonzai Book Club – Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility, by Ellen J. Langer. Langer is a prolific author and – quite literally – wrote the book on Mindfulness. As an award-winning social psychologist, [...]
Hello my dears! So, have you finished the book? Ready to get your discussion on? Me too! Picking up right where we left off, let’s jump into some more questions. As always, feel free to use these prompts as starting points, or add your own entirely unique ideas and/or questions at the end. See you [...]
Hello hello! Are you all caught up on your reading? I did mine while I was away, and I have to say, it was certainly . . . interesting. So far this book is not what I expected! But I won’t get into all that just yet. So, I’ve been wrassling with how to best [...]