Waits Hearts Bananas

October 20th, 2011 - filed under: The Food » Food and Health

Totally not gonna lie: I’m feeling a bit of the ol’ blogger burnout as we chug on through this MoFo season. But I’ve managed to post every. single. day. so far, even weekends, even through a dead computer!, so I can’t just up and break now . . .

It’s okay. I’m prepared with backup. A pictorial homage to the one thing that would never fail to make my baby happy; in the grocery store, on a walk, in the car, or anywhere else we happened to be.

Oh yes. Waits heart[ed] bananas. And though it seems the love affair has ended (as so many love affairs are wont to do) (he’s on to cold plain tofu now, sweet jesus it’s an obsession!), I’ll never forget what those dear precious tropical torpedos (HA!) did for me. Life savers, I say.

And onwards!

What is your “life saver” food?

  • http://profiles.google.com/jaclynsmith345 J Smith

    so much adorable! thanks, I needed this today after 3 hours of meetings…

  • Bliss Doubt

    I’ve thought it over, and my “life saver” food is peanut butter, delicious, nutritious, filling, with a long shelf life. If I wake up on a Saturday morning and there’s nothing to eat in the house except for peanut butter, some stale bread to make toast, and enough coffee to make just one cup, then my total pleasure in Saturday morning will not be shattered.

  • http://www.ohladycakes.com Ashlae Warner

    You and me both, sister! Every week day I’m like.. seriously? Another pumpkin post? IS IT EVER GOING TO END? But, only 7 posts left for me, so I think I’ll survive. But I probably won’t be making pumpkin anything for quite some time.

    And I wish I could look that cute while eating a banana. Those curls slay me.

  • http://www.tiedyefiles.com Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFiles

    What precious chubby cheeks! There are probably worse things he could obsess over than bananas and tofu. Little veggie boy :)

  • Appifanie

    He is so cute! I love that you have pics of him all over eating bananas :)

  • http://twitter.com/saraandcompany Sara Howie

    Okay seriously if my hair was like that every day I would do nothing to it. NOTHING.

  • http://natsmithillustration.etsy.com Natsmithillustrations

    my babys life saver food is also bananas!!! they’re so easy to bring places too. my life saver food is Ezekiel bread and almond butter!

  • http://www.parsnipsandpears.blogspot.com Ami @ parsnipsandpears

    my little guy def loves the bananas too! Frozen wild blueberries are probably our lifesaver though… messy, but will ALWAYS make him happy!!!

  • Kathryn B.

    I think this post has been way over due. All he’s missing is a banana in one hand and a green smoothie in the other!

  • Kathryn B.

    Don’t know how I skipped over the green smoothie picture. That totally made my day seeing a green mustache.

  • Danika

    Harper is obsessed with uncooked tofu as well! I thought it was really weird, but I feel so much better now. Crazy veg babies! Thanks for sticking with the daily posts–I have been so excited all month to see something new every day :)

  • Kelly

    My sweet Nephew is not a veg baby but he went through a raw cold tofu stage as well! He called it Pofu… :o)

  • Sara Ann


  • Rea

    That kid has the perfect stinkin’ eyebrows, I’ve been saying it since he was born! God, can’t believe how big that little bugger is getting. Sigh!

  • Cary M

    My daughters first word was “Nana” She wasn’t talking about her grandma. I was a little worried about her daily banana consumption but I feel much better about it now that I see Waits had a banana obsession too. I haven’t given her straight tofu before. Will try tomorrow :)

  • Bridget

    COCONUTS. when i don’t have something adequately coconut-y around, i start to lose it a little & contemplate eating the coconut oil i put in my hair, or my body wash, or my hair conditioner, or my chapstick…

  • http://www.veggieterrain.com jd

    Honestly, I feel ya a bit on the MoFo posting burn out – and I haven’t even managed to post every day!

    Those pics are absolutely adorable. For real.

  • http://www.thevegetablecentrickitchen.com Rande McDaniel

    Baby carrots are always my life saver!

  • http://twitter.com/keephealthstyle Laura Agar Wilson

    He is an absolute cutey pie! Apples are my life saver, I just love them, I probably eat at least 3 a day sometimes. They are great when I just want a little snack and they don’t affect my blood sugar too much :-)

  • Sonja

    so cute! Especially the last pic: He is dressed like a banana himself :-) The step from bananas to plain tofu sounds crazy!

  • Sonja

    and hooray for you posting every single day during MoFo! Great job!

  • http://brokencookiesdontcount.wordpress.com/ Fran@BCDC

    Too cute! Thanks for sharing!

  • Greenfeatherherbs

    I’ve enjoyed your daily posts very much! I can’t wait till my daughter, Alice, starts eating food–so much fun :)

  • Bittofraw

    waits is adorable. my niece just started talking and banana was one of her first words. babies and bananas are a perfect fit.

  • jill

    for kids? Raisins and cashews. Both my kids love them. And dehydrated crackers…they’re sturdy enough for traveling, filling, and don’t get hands icky like bananas (though we’re inevitably covered in banana goo at some point every day).

  • http://vegmomof4.blogspot.com/ April

    I totally feel your MoFo burnout! Thanks for hanging in there. If you can do it, then I can do it too!!

    My littlest one has developed a fondness for bananas. Grocery trips are the funniest because he FLIPS OUT when he sees the “BaaNuuh” display. He then insists on carrying the entire bunch in his lap all through the store, and SHOUTING at fellow shoppers “BaaNuuh!! BaaNuuh!!” as he shows off his goodies. Once at checkout, he had a meltdown when the lady in front of us had her bananas on the conveyor belt. No Dylan, not every banana is yours!

  • Steph

    true story!

  • Steph

    Homemade popsicles, doesn’t matter what flavour, just cold. Watermelon. And dessert tofu, before something in it started causing massive diaper explosions (sugar? unpasturized tofu? in any case, grossness).

  • Rachel

    He’s adorable!!!! I love Waits pictures!

  • Rebecca

    I have never been much for bananas but recently started eating them (and all of your banana-monster pictures definitely had something to do with that!) Unfortunately I think I might be allergic to bananas (and avocados…and latex…yep–all related!) Too weird. Let’s hope it is something else—cause I love me some avocados!

  • http://www.mynaturallyfrugalfamily.blogspot.com Rachel

    Oh I love this post, of course Wait’s doing anything would be a post worth perusing (such a beautiful boy).
    I have to say my lifesaver for my kids (at least currently) is dried apples. There is no mess involved and they think of it as a treat…win win

  • Jemeakim

    Waits is such a beautiful boy!!! I have to know where did you get that amazing bike seat for him?! I think my son would love riding like that!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    I know! I’m totally jealous of him. =D

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    This made me laugh because, man, I can relate!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    It’s called an Ibert (http://www.ibertinc.com/), they sell them at REI and you can also often find them used on Craigslist. They’re the best!

  • Luseji

    This might be the cutest thing I have ever seen :)

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