Oh, Shit

October 6th, 2011 - filed under: Furthermore

This post is coming to you straight from my iPhone! Which would be super neat, yes?, were it not borne completely out of necessity.

That’s right, friends. My computer is on the fritz. Actually, it’s quite blitzed. Zonkers. Gonzo.

During Mo-Fo! Oh no. No go. So . . . shit.

Ima do my best to get this sorted out as speedily as I can. In the meantime, how about a picture of Waits delightedly munching on a kale stem, yes?


There have been so many great questions and comments lately, especially in the recent “diet trial” post, and I just want to let you guys know that I’ll do my best to respond but it may take a while. Same goes if you’ve sent me an email. I’m sorry, please bear with me, obviously this suuuuuucks. Ha!

  • http://eerosa.wordpress.com erosan

    aww shucks… oh well, hopefully you’ll fix everything soon (without spending too much money)

  • April Duran

    Eeeeeek! Sorry to hear of your computer troubles. Hope it gets remedied soon!

  • Meredith

    Sayward, that is one astonishingly cute kid you got there.

  • Melissa

    Not to down play your PC problems……but……I pretty much like any post that begins with…..Oh, shit! Fan-friggin-tastic!

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=38914961 Sarah Jessi Smith

    I hope you had everything backed up, I trust you did, you are a smart cookie! AND I hope you get it fixed quickly and cheaply! Computer problems SUCK!

    I’m 110% in love with Waits! GAH! I’ll take a sweet picture of him any day! And I love you let his hair grown! :-) I’m so excited to hear more ab your diet experiments!

  • http://robssurfreport.wordpress.com/ Rob Ross

    I wouldn’t worry if you can make posts like this from your iPhone. Just roll with the punches and remember, that is an awful cute kiddo you have.

  • Carissa

    Hope the computer works soon! I always love seeing pics of your son eating greens :)

  • Veganlinda

    I hope your commuter is fixed soon. I can never figure out how to post via my iphone so very awesome you did it! Cool cute picture!

  • http://vegetalion.blogspot.com Sarah P

    Oh no! I hope you get it all straightened out. And Waits with kale stem = ADORABLE.

  • http://www.mynaturallyfrugalfamily.blogspot.com Rachel

    Based on title alone I knew I had to read this post. Waits is absolutely beautiful and thanks so much for a sharing the photo of him.