This past Sunday, February 2nd, Waits and I had the absolute pleasure of attending the Raw Living Expo here in southern California. I’m a veteran Veg Fest attendee, but this was my first strictly-raw event, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. As well, I had the wee 3 year old in tow (with his very own press pass, haha!) so I wasn’t sure how the day would unfold. Calm and engaged exploration of all things raw? Or cranky tantrum explosion with a side of kale chips? It’s pretty unpredictable these days . . . )
As it went, we had a wonderful time and the little mister worked that expo like a pro, I’d say. Especially considering the amount of raw cacao he was ingesting, oi! We didn’t make it to any of the talks, but that’s okay. We had a great time wandering the convention floor, checking out the goods and talking to friendly folks.
We found all sorts of fun new stuff, but we also had the chance to rediscover some of our old favorites. The truth is, between divorce, an out-of-state move, and the aftermath of those two things, I’ve been a bit out of touch with the raw community in recent years. So for me, the Raw Living Expo was a perfect opportunity to reignite that old flame. I can’t believe I’d forgotten how inspiring the raw food world can be!

We ate a lot of awesome stuff that day, and saw so many amazing products. From juicers and blenders, to essential oils and power crystals, to kale chips, flax crackers and of course, more raw chocolate than any sane parent would ever knowingly and voluntarily offer to a three year old (I plead insanity?)
I really wanted to find you all some extra-special raw beauty and body products, but alas, there just weren’t any stand-outs for me. Sorry guys! But as far as food and lifestyle go, there was lots to love. So, may I please present to you: My tippy top three items that gave me a ridiculous case of the “OMG excited!”s.
# 3
Word on the street is, Brussels sprouts are the next big green. What do you think? Are you a die-hard kale fan, or are you open to crowning a new Queen Crucifer?
Regardless of your ultimate allegiance, there’s no denying these Brussel Bytes are the BOMB. Brought to us by Wonderfully Raw – the team behind the oh-so-delectable Coco-roons – this new product just knocked my dang socks off. It’s basically like a kale chip, but with a bit more chew. Heavenly. AWESOME. Brussels Bytes should be available in Whole Foods soon, but for now you can order them online.
# 2
Dudes. Did you know there’s such a thing as a freestanding and portable sauna??! I had no idea!
These ClearLight infrared saunas are amazing. Seriously, where do I sign up? They’re made from sustainably harvested cedar wood! They only have a 4×4 ft footprint! You can put them anywhere!!!
Okay, so I know it’s sort of a weird thing to put on this little list, but I couldn’t not include it. Because, well, it really was my second favorite thing I saw all day.
Sweating is one of the absolute easiest (and actually, you now, scientifically proven) ways to “detox” the body. And that’s why saunas (steam rooms, sweat lodges, etc) have been used by so many cultures as part of their cleansing and healing practices. I swear, just being inside that small warm space, I totally felt my entire body relax.
I will own one of these some day. Oh yes I will. Mark my words!
# 1
This product is not only genius simplicity, but it’s also FUN! Coco Jack is basically comprised of a stainless steel tool and a rubber mallet – both food grade and both made in the USA. Together, this odd pair unites in harmony to form the perfect coconut-opener. Yup, that’s all. So no more whacking and hacking blindly with large and dangerous blades. Just a perfectly round hole in the top of your young coconut, every single time:

So yes, as simple as it sounds, the Coco Jack was easily, EASILY the best thing I saw all day. And if you eat young coconuts on any kind of regular basis, you’ll probably want one of these.
Also, this shirt needs to get in my closet, STAT. Brilliant, right?!
I had so much fun at the Raw Living Expo, reconnecting with the awesome raw community and renewing my passion for this exciting, vibrant lifestyle. But mostly, for me, it was such a blessing to spend the day with my son, sharing this with him, now that he’s old enough to begin to understand.
Rachel in Veganland
Bianca-Vegan Crunk
- Claudia
- Sayward Rebhal
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