Posts tagged as: gluten-free
How many vegans can you fit in a photo booth? (featuring Conscious Chris, The Vegan Zombie, The [other] Vegan Zombie, Michelle from Vegan Break, Jill from Vegan Cuts, Jackie from Vegan Yak Attack, The Sexy Vegan, Kylie from Fellowship Of The Vegetable, and many more!) I did it! I FINALLY made it to Expo West! [...]
Well, it’s official. Even here in the magical weather bubble that is southern California, autumn is upon us. And thus, I am flush with all my autumn favorites! Kale, rainbow chard, parsley and cilantro (those are maybe a “California autumn” thing), carrots, and onions are dominating my weekly CSA box these days. Oh, and squash. [...]
Our creekside campsite at Sequoia National Park, early morning. Our first official morning of camping, Waits woke up early with the birds. I was still exhausted, but Jeremy was kind enough to get up with the kiddo and begin the breakfasting. Later, he told me that those early mornings, working in the cold and quiet, [...]
This, my friends, is summer on a platter. So you’ve probably noticed that I don’t post many recipes ’round these parts. And there’s a very good reason for that: I only want to post the really, really good ones. Which seems to be working out nicely, since the last recipe I posted – my Creamy [...]
This year, as with every other year, our “Thanksgiving turkey” was alive and roaming free at a Farm Animal Sanctuary. For Thanksgiving 2013 we sponsored Martha – because really, just look at her! Hello hello everyone! I hope that all of you out there in the Internets had a fantastic and delicious T-day celebration! Last [...]