Remember last Wednesday, and how everything was all “gee whiz so serene” in those pictures, all bright natural light and perfectly plated food. Remember? Well, lest you think my life is always like that, may I present this week. This Monday that started with that little monster up there, looking oh-so-innocent after dragging me out of bed in the way-way-way-a.m. Don’t be fooled by those giant sweet peepers. ‘Cause by 5 p.m. I was texting Damian in desperation:
Thus the play on words in the title of this post. Because this was the Monday we went into complete core reactor meltdown. Well, at least I did.
And then, you know, the for reals nuclear radiation. O ha ha! A double entendre, do you see?
But seriously, why am I the only person I know who’s concerned about this? In the wake of the incomprehensible devastation that Japan *continues to* experience, there is a cloud of nuclear radiation that has drifted across the ocean. Everyone in my blog bubble wants to talk about VegNews scandals (in LOLcats even!) and the mainstream media’s stuck salivating over hyper-partisan politics, and that leaves me, alone in the corner reading reports from France. Like this one.
But you came here for pictures of food, right?! Right. Well, I do love me some meal planning, and I’ve always been a fan of theme parties. So these days I’m sort of theme-party-planning our food – it’s a Rockin’ Anti-Radiation Extravaganza! Woo-Hoo! So here we go.
Like I said, about that way-a.m. Waits managed to keep himself occupied while I got down to business.
My beloved. I like it dark and strong. French roast. With agave and coconut milk.
This is a picture of spilled coffee. You can’t really see it on the coffee-colored floor, but I had to include it, see, for foreshadowing.This sort of set the stage for the day.
Baby Breakfast
Waits ate played with his oatmeal with homemade prune puree (Farmers Market prunes!) and coconut oil. This kept him pretty happy while I made our green smoothie.
We split a big green smoothie, but this smoothie was made without fresh greens. Why?? Because apparently broad-leafed greens are radioactive. So we’re holding off on fresh greens right now. (I’ve stocked up on frozen spinach – frozen before March 11) Instead I added a huge scoop of chlorella to the banana-mango-pineapple-hemp protein concoction. Chlorella is an amazing algae that has been shown to have a protective effect against radiation damage. It’s also used for chelation therapy, to bind heavy metals and remove them from the body. (1 & 2)
We also shared a spoonful of molasses, and then . . .
. . . oh dear. This is where the day really took a turn. And thus began the spiral . . . out . . . of . . . control.
Baby Snack
After breakfast we bathed (together – best thing ever! why did it take me so long to start doing this??!) and then Waits went down for his morning nap. Our days usually go nap -> walk -> lunch. But on this particular day, he slept a long time and when he woke up I was starving. So back into the kitchen we went. He munched on almond butter and banged pots and pans around, while I . . .
Parsley-cucumber-lime juice, with a whole half of that bunch of parsley. It was seriously delicious. Cucumber is super hydrating and lime is alkalinizing, both of which assist detox pathways. The parsley is believed to act as a chelation agent and has been used as such for ages. It’s in the same family as cilantro, which has been shown to mediate amalgam toxicity. (3)
Want to see something really cute?
He’s such a dang sweetie, I can never stay frustrated for long.
Did you know you can write directly onto a jar with a sharpie? Comes right off with a little soap and water.
More Snacking
Now our schedule was all messed up. The order of operations had been upended and my tummy was thusly confused. We walked the dog and hit the grocery store, puttered around and did some chores. I made a raw miso-tahini dip to have on-hand for the week. I was going to make miso soup but like I said, my tummy got confused.
Miso is theorized to help mitigate the damage done by radiation exposure. (4)
Even though it was after 3 and I was running on the fumes of smoothies and juice, it didn’t occur to me to eat this delectable dip. I fed some to Waits (riding on his favorite – cucumbers) and packed it all up pretty, you know, “to have on-hand for the week”. Like I said, confused.
Instead . . .
. . . we made more coffee.
By then Waits was [over]due for his afternoon nap. We tromped upstairs and I tried to put him down. And tried. And tried. Oh, teething. And it was right about as he was gnawing on my nipple (OW MY GOD WHY GOD WHY) that my blood sugar crashed. Completely.
Me? Not so good with low blood sugar. And since Waits was *clearly* not going to sleep, we hustled back downstairs to get this mama some food, STAT.
I gave Waits a sippy cup full of nettle infusion – nettles are high in iodine, more on that in a minute – which he promptly abandoned as soon as he saw my plate. *sigh* My plate:
Very Late Lunch
Perhaps the ugliest, most pathetic handrolls I’ve ever seen. I was shaking by the time I was composing them. At least they were tasty! Cucumber, carrot, red bell pepper, with a smear of aforementioned miso-tahini sauce. With extra veggies and sauce on the side.
Nori (and all seaweed) is super high in iodine. Right now there’s radioactive iodine in the air, food, and water. It’s important to eat foods high in iodine to saturate the receptor sites in your thyroid (and elsewhere), so that the radioactive iodine has nowhere to bind. (Does that make sense?)
The teething/cranky/over-tired tornado that was my son was now reaching a crescendo, and right about then is when I sent that text to Damian. We were a mess. A big hot mess.
Luckily, within an hour Damian was home and offering me some much-needed relief. I took some deep breaths, put on a podcast, and got down to cooking (my meditation).
YUM. Beetloaf (which is mostly lentils) with cilantro pesto (remember, cilantro is a powerful detoxifier: 3), fiddleheads in caramelized leeks (because we’re not eating leafy greens) (oh and also because HELLO?! alien food!), and potatoes (sweets for me, yukons for Damian) with rosemary. (If you don’t already think I’m totally off my rocker, let me tell you about how rosemary can fight radiation: 5 & 6)
Baby version. I *love* these little stainless steel plates I found at the Asian market! So cute right?
After dinner we had a nice long walk and then Waits was finally ready for bed. Whew!
I enjoyed 2 tall glasses of nettles (not pictured) while I worked very late into the night (Super Secret Project #2, word).
Part of me, the more western-bred-scientist part, laughs at myself for being a total hippie and talking about things like “detox pathways”. But the other half says, “well why the hell not?” It certainly can’t hurt. And I truly, sincerely believe in the power of food-as-medicine. I also believe in the power of belief. So, we’re eating an anti-radiation diet . . . which isn’t much of a deviation from our normal diet . . . and is equally delicious!
What do you think?
Please join my in holding Japan in your hearts as they continue to deal with this absolute tragedy. My piddly, privileged fears are nothing compared to what they face these days.
- Lindsay
- Pat
- Jessica
- Sara
- Lauren
- SJ Smith
- Natasja
- Natasja
- Jess – The Domestic Vegan
- eternitysojourner
- radiomomrhetoric
- Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons
- Monika {windycityvegan}
- Monika {windycityvegan}
- Kristina @ spabettie
Kate in SB
- kory
- Generic Jen B
- Janine @ Alternative Housewife
Happy Green Mama