Sucking down coffee while playing with Waits on the airport floor, early o’clock.
It’s not too hard to find vegan food while traveling, but finding good vegan food . . . well, that’s another matter altogether. Leave it up to the fates and you’re at the will and whim of the airport – or worse yet the gas station – gods. You’ll most likely find yourself dining on french fries and iceberg ‘salad’. Just a little planning goes a long way towards keeping you healthy and happy through the turmoils of modern travel. Here’s how I approached my most recent day of transit:
The Night Before
Travel days will always be nutritionally compromised, no matter how well you prepare. So I make sure my meals the day before are packing a powerful punch. This dinner was all about the mighty pile of swiss chard, accompanied by a hearty chili and some gluten-free cornbread. YUM
I made a jar of overnight oats for some super easy grab-and-go eats. This fills all three travel criteria: effortless, filling, and nutritious. Oh, and it’s also really yummy! Eaten on the way to the airport.
Fact: Airport coffee is better than no coffee at all. I even found some soy milk!
It’s not so easy on digestion to be under cabin pressure, so I try to avoid eating while in the air. This is why an awesome early breakfast is especially important.
Once our rental car was secured and we were on the road (with a 2 hour drive ahead of us), I busted out the pb & j sammies I’d packed. English muffin bread for the win!
Somewhere along the coast, a necessary refueling. Love it or hate it at least Starbucks offers up consistency.
We hit up the fruitbowl as soon as we reached our destination. After a day of tan-colored carbohydrates, some bright and hydrating fruit was just what we needed to tide us over till dinner.
A fabulous home cooked dinner. Fennel polenta with marinara and cashew cream. A badass salad. Wine. The perfect healthy cap to a very long day!
Coming soon: tips for vegan vacationing! Also, this post has been brought to you from the lap of a very adept Japanese massage chair. Please excuse any typing errors . . . this thing is throwing me around!
- Lenn
- Monika {windycityvegan}
- Ms. Polkadot
Tenise Rae
- Ginger Baker