“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place . . . I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
~ Elliott Erwitt
Ahhh, autumn, I do so love you though you insist on muddying up my market. It’s true, you come bearing gourds and leafy greens . . . but you also bring drizzle and dank and I’m always caught unawares.
Case in point, this past Saturday:
Umbrella-less and looking like a drowned rat.
But it’s okay autumn, I forgive you. I know you don’t mean any harm. And I think that Waits quite enjoyed the sprinkling. Anyways, how could I hold it against you when you’re responsible for these . . .
Happy harvests and all my autumn lovin’!
http://www.workingouteatingin.com Anastasia
http://www.alisasgarden.blogspot.com Alisa
http://frugalfinally.blogspot.com/ Melissa