“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place . . . I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
~ Elliott Erwitt
After just a few weekends away, it feels so glorious to get back to market! To reconnect with real food, to see the growers and smell the dirt that clings to the veggies pulled from the Earth that morning. It nourishes my heart, this ritual for nourishing my body.
And how the market has changed! Absent but a few weeks and I return to an entirely different scene. It’s a late season this year, so right now is absolute abundance; summer fruits are peaking while the first autumn arrivals are making their debut. Everywhere overflowing.
And the flowers. Man, the flowers are out of control!
Dahlias are forever my favorites.
http://www.windycityvegan.wordpress.com windycityvegan
Stephanie J.
Donna Mae
http://www.aaronlevinson.com Aaron
http://www.countryfried.wordpress.com Charley
http://dietplaid.wordpress.com Jen
Tenise Rae
http://www.alisasgarden.blogspot.com Alisa