The Friday Feedback Forum

August 15th, 2009 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback

Oi there! First things first, I’d like to give a big shout out and a huge thanks to Evelyn, who was kind enough to leave a little something in my tip jar. Thanks for the support! =)

And on to everyone, Happy Weekend!!! It’s time once again for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions. So, what’s on your mind? What do you like, and what’s just ‘meh’? What are YOU interested in?

We’re building a real community here, so speak up and take part! Every weekend the Feedback Forum remains at the top of the page, so check back in to say your piece whenever you feel like it. If you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, come back here to do it!

And don’t forget, this Monday is another round of this month’s MMM, so try to plan ahead for your alternate dining style.

And as always, please have the most wonderfullest weekend!


  • sarah

    Ha! Forget Mondays!

    I am/was vegetarian, so my goal would have been to eat vegan on Mondays. But forget that… I decided last week it was time to transition to full time (raw) vegan! And I got the hubby in on it too! (not committed… but I think once he will be once gets past the weird transition-ness ;)

    It wasn’t so much the mission post, but rather your crazy timing again (like your post on making your own deodorant – funny how I was just discussing that with someone who made their own practically the same day and was wishing later I had asked what EXACTLY they put in it!).

    Going vegan was my next step and it was time. Next step would be 100% raw – currently I’m only about 70% on a good day. It sounds like we about do the same thing you guys do… raw during the day and cooked meals in the evening. Have you considered going 100% raw? Any tips? There’s my (Monday) feedback – I would love to see more raw posts.

  • Sayward

    @ Sarah – Congrats on the huge transition. I wish you all the best, but I have to say – if it doesn’t pan out for you, I hope you won’t ditch the veganism all together! Going from veggie to raw vegan is a big step, and being vegan is a LOT easier than being raw. But it definitely can be done. Good luck! =)

    As far as raw, I did a series a few months back, not sure if you’ve seen it. If you’ve already read all these just ignore them, but here are some key posts from my month of going about 98% RAW:

    Why RAW?

    Transition = Holy Detox, Batman!

    My Own Rules of RAW

    10 Day Check-In

    2 Week Check-In

    3 Week Check-In

    4 Week Check-In

    31-Day Wrap Up

    10 Days Later

    And some recipes! -

    Raw Hummus

    Raw Refried Beans Wrap

    Green Smoothie!!!

    and the crowning glory:
    Raw Pecan Torte with Chocolate Ganache

    Hope that helps, Lady! I had a great time going RAW and I learned a *lot*. If you have any questions or just want to chat about raw stuff, let me know. =)