Master Cleanse – Day 9

May 20th, 2009 - filed under: The Food » Food Styles

Today was very much like yesterday – almost identical in fact. I felt great all day, a little cranky in the afternoon, and worked worked worked late into the night. I just can’t believe that tomorrow is my last day!

I feel like I could continue this cleanse indefinitely. I really don’t feel hungry, and my energy is good enough – not great, but okay. I didn’t get it last time, but now I feel like I understand how people can fast for forty days. I see that it’s possible.

But me? No way! I miss food too much. I find myself extremely jealous when my husband eats dinner (partial cause of the cranky, I’ll bet), and I’m excited at the prospect of produce season and farmers markets coming up. Mostly, I believe that the main reason this cleanse has been so easy for me this time around, is simply that I don’t need it as much. So why continue with something unnecessary? More on that in tomorrow night’s final wrap-up . . .

Bed time! I’ve been sleeping like a baby these days, and loving every snuggly minute of it!


  • Matty

    I rarely post on blogs but wanted to say that i always read yours and i love it, i love the enegry that you pour into it.


  • Sayward

    @ Matt – Aw, that’s really wonderful to hear. I do put a lot of energy into this, and it means a lot to know that it translates, and that it’s appreciated. You’re awesome, thank you!