Posts tagged as: seasonal
This, my friends, is summer on a platter. So you’ve probably noticed that I don’t post many recipes ’round these parts. And there’s a very good reason for that: I only want to post the really, really good ones. Which seems to be working out nicely, since the last recipe I posted – my Creamy [...]
Saturday, December 21st, was the very shortest day of 2013. I celebrate Hanukkah and I celebrate Christmas, but of all the winter holidays, Solstice is the one that most speaks to my heart. It’s a day for contemplating darkness; it is literally the darkest day of the year. But, in its passing, we move to [...]
I must admit, I’m still getting used to this posting-once-a-week schedule. It’s been good to me, in that it’s freed up some much needed time, and it allows me to focus my blogging energy into one really good, really solid post each week. I like that. But still, I can’t help but miss our more [...]
Oh hey, a whole gallon of kale chips! Last week I wrote about food preservation, and how this is the time of year when all of us urban homesteaders ought to be full-on, all-out, non-stop stockpiling. Because right now the produce is abundant and the prices can’t be beat, which means right now is the [...]
Last week I Instagrammed that picture up there ^^ and I got so many questions about the process, that it jump-started me into finally writing this post that I’ve been meaning to write for forever and ever. Preserving! Right now we’re enjoying the glorious days of summer, and all the bounty that those days bring. [...]