Posts tagged as: Sayward

Matt Pond At Five & 1/4!!! Oh And Also, About Five & 1/4 . . .

March 2nd, 2017 - posted under: The Farm » Family

I met Jeremy at Vegan Beer Fest. Have I ever told you that story? I met Jeremy at Vegan Beer Fest. He was tall and handsome and really outgoing, and he talked a lot which was great because I was pretty shy. And if I’m being honest, I wasn’t super interested in Jeremy that day. [...]

What Do The Bloggers Call It? A “Life Update”?

January 31st, 2017 - posted under: The Farm » Family

Hey All! I wanted to take a minute and use this space to share some of what has been going on in my life over the past few months. Now that I’ve graduated I’ve been blogging more, and I’m so happy to be back! But taking such a long hiatus, well, a lot of stuff [...]

750,000 Snowflakes In Los Angeles

January 23rd, 2017 - posted under: Furthermore » Inspiration

Progressives are often accused of acting like “special snowflakes”, which I guess is meant to imply that we’re delicate, and fancy ourselves as oh-so-unique and precious, and which is also made extra ironic considering the insult is often hurled at us by folks who literally lose their shit at hearing the words “Happy Holidays” OH [...]

It’s the Winter Solstice, and I got my Master’s Degree, and the worst year ever, 2016, is almost over! So obviously, witchcraft in Death Valley, I mean right?

December 20th, 2016 - posted under: Furthermore » Inspiration

We met this little red fellow on the road to Jubilee Pass, and we hung out for a while, and I’ve never been so close to a wild coyote before, and it was un-freaking-believable. Well, I finished school. But I don’t really know what to say about graduating. The experience was at once both strangely [...]

Celebrating my 8-YEAR Veganniversary

August 8th, 2016 - posted under: The Food » Food and Health

This past August 1st, I celebrated my 8-year Veganniversary. And as it so happened, this year August 1st fell on a Monday, which was wonderful because that’s Jeremy’s day off and during summer, it can be my day off too. And it was a lovely, lazy, reflective, celebratory day. 8 years. Early morning snuggle-fest. 8 [...]