I am acutely aware that it’s the day after Thanksgiving, that it’s well into autumn, and I am just now posting this Summer Wrap-Up post. What can I say? It’s been a very, very busy year. I don’t have much time for blogging these day. Don’t have much time for anything really, other than working hard and loving hard. My family and my friends and my career, and not much room for anything else.
So here I am, in the middle of November and posting a summer recap. But better late that never, I say! It’s important to me to pin these pictures on my piece of the Internet, suspended here forever. So I can always visit them and remember — “Ahhh, it was a good summer!”
It started with the lemonade. It was the end of spring, and I had a bunch of lemons from our tree that I wanted to make sure and use before they went bad. And the weather was finally warming up, so I thought — Lemonade! I’ll make lemonade with Waits and it’ll be fun. I wrote it on the chalk board that covers our spice cupboard in the kitchen, so I wouldn’t forget it.
The next day I came into the kitchen and Jeremy had added to my list: “Camping”
And then a few days later, he added another: “Dodgers Game”
Oooh I love a good bucket list, and I could see where this was going! So I began adding my own ideas to the board, and before we knew it we had ourselves a solid summer plan. And I’m happy to say that we hit every one of our goals (some with more pictures than others, but all of them accomplished nonetheless). It was little things and big things. It was simple pleasures and grand adventures. It was us — our list touched on all our favorite summer traditions.
So here it is — a summary of our summer! A bucket list in photoessay form . . .
Dodgers Game
Berry Picking
Outdoor Movie
Ocean Kayaking
Hike 7-Falls
Lake Day
Yeah. It was a really, really great summer.