Spring Break Photos, Because Look! I Got My Photos Back!

April 26th, 2016 - filed under: The Farm » Family

Spring Break title

You guys, I received the best news! The specialists working on my computer were able to make a full data recovery, my entire hard drive was saved, and all my photos and writing have been returned to me. HUZZAH! I am truly over the moon, and I’ve also learned a hard lesson. Backup backup backup! I am converted. Point taken, Universe.

In celebration of my recovered data, I’m sharing the photos from Waits’s very first ever Spring Break. Kindergarten is flying by, and these are a few weeks old already, but looking through them makes me so happy and I am so very grateful to have gotten them back. And this whole process has made me so grateful for this blog. Because if I had lost everything, if all my photos had disappeared, at least I would have had the ones I’d posted here. I’d least I’d have had this record.

So I’m gonna go ahead and keep on recording. Here’s how we spent a very kindergarten Spring Break, 2016. ♥

spring break 2016 1
IMG_9340 (1)
spring break 2016 2
IMG_9391 (6)

It was a really good week.

PS – And now we’re back to our regularly scheduled blogging. YAY!

  • Lacy Davis

    YES! so stoked you have all your info back.

  • Rebecca Carnes

    Yay!!! So happy for you! I lost my phone right after I had Phoenyx…lost all the pics I had taken and was so sad…. love learning lessons the hard way :/. Now I backup my back ups ha!
    Your spring break photos are so pretty! Was that all in SB? I keep telling myself I need to find more open fields or green areas for P to play around and explore…. we are always at the beach but venturing inland would be great for both of us:)

  • Bianca Phillips

    Yay! Such good news! I also became a big believer in backing up after my old camera and computer were stolen in a house break-in, and I lost about a year of my life in pictures. I didn’t even care about the things — just the pictures. Thankfully, I was blogging then, and I still have those memories on my blog (and some in my Facebook album). Glad you got your back! Spring break looks fun!

  • Amey Mathews

    Phew!! I’m so happy for you. I mean, life goes on, and we all know that, but that kind of thing can feel like SUCH a big deal. And it kinda is. These pictures are amazing. Blossoms, blue skies, big smiles, glowing eyes. So sweet. <3

  • Anna

    Hooray! I’m so happy for you!

  • http://www.one-sonic-bite.com/ Jennifer

    So glad you got your hard drive back! I’ve had almost all my computers go by crashing (I just don’t like buying new things until the old one is useless- a bad habit I got from my father) and I still haven’t fully learned my lesson about backing up. Even in college when I did film, about 25% of the student would loose most of their project because they dropped a harddrive or their computer crashed. So I am a little crazy about having several backups (we have 3 or 4 hard drives) so if I don’t have 100% of my most current files, we have some.

    Spring break looks like a lot of fun and tons of outdoor time!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you Jennifer! I have definitely learned and now I have multiple hard drives in multiple locations. Maybe now I’m a little overly paranoid! Haha. But seriously, losing photos is the saddest thing.

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thanks Anna!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thanks Amey! I know photos aren’t everything and the memories are what matters, but man . . . I would be so heartbroken to lose them. And yeah, it was a pretty awesome spring break!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you Bianca! And I’m so sorry to hear about your break-in and picture loss. That is a double whammy of awful. But I know what you mean, I didn’t even care about my dead computer, it was the data — my writing and photos. ♥

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thanks lady!!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Oh no that’s so sad Becca! I’m sorry you had to learn the hard way. Do you have any other new baby pics from other people?

    And yes, all in SB! I love the beach but there’s something about being surrounded by trees and plants that just really does it for me. We’re such hiking junkies. =D

  • Rebecca Carnes

    Thank goodness my mom was just as obsessed about taking pictures of him that I have plenty LOL but still it was a huge bummer! I think I actually drove away with it on top of my car ha! I blame new mom brain :)

    We do a lot of beach and lagoon hiking, but I know he would love having some trees to climb all over!! I’m on a search now for some fun places close to SD!

  • http://angieeatspeace.com/ Angie

    I am so glad you got your data back and had such a colorful spring break.

  • lysette

    What great news! I still need to follow that advice to back everything up, especially as my lap top keeps running slower and slower :/ These photos are such a great encapsulation of spring feels! xo