Raising Vegan Children, Part I – Let’s Talk Honestly, Shall We?

April 28th, 2013 - filed under: The Food » Food and Health

Firstly and most importantly, I want to make myself very clear: I believe that raising children on a vegan diet can provide absolutely every vitamin, mineral, and nutrient necessary for optimal growth and development. No two ways about it. Please do keep that in mind if you feel like yelling at me a few paragraphs down.

So yes! I believe that a vegan diet is appropriate for every stage of life including infancy and childhood, into young adulthood, and forever after. I believe this because I have seen it. There are lots of awesome examples of people who have been vegan their entire lives, and who have clearly grown into vibrant, impressive individuals: Adair Moran (actress and professional stuntwoman), Ayinde Howell (chef and entrepreneur), Milani Malik (pro basketball player) and her sister Jehina Malik (pro body builder), and of course, Joaquin Phoenix (that’s just a link to the google image search because, well, it’s worth looking at, amiright? yowza!). You know, just to name a few.

Sorry, couldn’t resist. Hubba hubba.

So clearly, it is quite possible to create adult humans made entirely out of plants. (And brilliant, athletic, inspiring adults to boot!) However – and this is a big caveat of a HOWEVER – as parents raising vegan children, I believe that it’s important to be intellectually honest with ourselves. We should recognize that, really, this is all one big experiment. Because the truth is there’s still a whole lot that we don’t know about nutrition, and there are no (count them, zero) long-term scientific studies to guide us. There are no studies on vegans-from birth.

So we’re all sort of flying blind here, in a sense, just doing the very best we can with our current nutritional knowledge. And for the most part that’s totally good enough (see examples above), but since there are things we still don’t know, it’s also possible that some vegan diets could potentially, accidentally, be lacking in something. Because we just don’t know everything yet.

Milani Malik, lifelong vegan.

As parents – ALL parents, regardless of diet – it’s important that we keep close tabs on our children’s food intake and on their overall health. And that’s exactly what I do. In all honesty, I have had moments of great doubt and moments of intense fear and oh my god, when you are responsible for such an incredibly precious person, it’s just so important not to mess it up! (Ah, parenthood . . . ) So I have thought about this a lot (maybe more than some, after dealing with my own illness), and I have decided to use Waits and his own health as my barometer. That’s the agreement I came to with my inner hand-wringer, once I realized that I would be worried sick no matter what I was feeding him – vegan or paleo or traditional or somewhere in between.

I watch him closely. I look for all those little markers of health that I’ve amassed in my mind after endless hours of research in both academic and alternative venues. So far, he has been nothing short of exquisite: healthy; happy; strong and muscular; agile and co-ordinated; and exceptionally intelligent. He is above average height and below average weight, which is something that I do keep an eye on.

Ayinde Howell, lifelong vegan.

If his health ever became a concern, if his development slowed or his fire dulled or I if felt that he wasn’t reaching his full genetic potential in some way, well, I would not hesitate to re-examine his diet – and the dietary choices I make for him. And if for some reason it seemed that he was unable to thrive as a vegan, and if I had exhausted all the other avenues, then yes, I would be open to introducing animal foods.

I am not saying this because I believe a vegan diet is insufficient or inherently lacking. As I said above, I firmly believe just the opposite. What I want to make very clear, though, is that I will never put dogma or my own personal beliefs, no matter how deeply they are held, before my child’s health. Period.

The good news is, I don’t have to make that choice. It’s not one or the other, because they are one in the same! Waits is thriving on his vegan diet, just like so many other vegan children around the world are thriving as a new generation of plant-built people.

Adair Moran, lifelong vegan.

And I’ve seen that new generation, too. I think that part of my confidence comes from living in Portland Oregon, where literally every single one of Waits’s friends was vegan. I’ve seen so many vegan children, had the pleasure of spending time with so many pregnant vegans and lactating vegans and vegan infants and vegan toddlers and vegan sassy pre-teens. No, veganism does not prevent the sass.

So I’ve had a lot of opportunity to compare and contrast all these vegan kiddos to their omnivorous counterparts. Oh yes I did. I’ve analyzed bone structure and I’ve scrutinized height/weight and I’ve examined hair and eyes and skin and smiles and everything else I could think of. I’ve searched for patterns, sought to find some difference between vegan kids and omni kids. Maybe that’s just the scientist coming out in me.

But the best I can come up with is that on average (but not always, by any means), vegan children tend to be a bit leaner than their omnivorous peers. Which obviously makes sense. And maybe – though this is still under review – just maybe vegan kids tend to have a bit more energy. I could be biased though, since I did, in fact, birth a Tasmanian devil.


Bottom line, vegan diets can be perfectly healthy for growing children, and children can be perfectly healthy growing up vegan – BUT – that doesn’t mean every version of a vegan diet is healthy for every child. So keep a close eye on your kids and use their own health as your measuring stick.

Children are notoriously picky, which can make a well-rounded diet difficult regardless of restrictions. In my next post, I’ll talk about how to cover your bases. Yes – the much-anticipated supplement post!

Edited to add:
Part II: Why I Supplement The Way I Do
Part III: Food-Based “Supplements” For Super-Charged Children


Hey-o! I am super duper not a doctor, or a nurse, or a health care practitioner of any kind. This post represents my personal thoughts and opinions and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice. Whew!

  • http://vegantasticness.blogspot.com Felicity

    Great post. Thanks for your perspective on this! I’m always surprised at how many vegan and vegetarians parents I see that are raising their children as omnivores. I guess it is a lot easier but I don’t know if I could do it. Then again, I should probably weigh in on the subject when I actually have kids :)

  • coconutandberries

    So glad you wrote this post- It definitely needs to be said. When people ask me if I’ll raise my kids vegan (I’m way off having kids by the way…not in a relationship and still at university!) I actually think of little Waits and how he appears to be thriving so well on a vegan diet when I reply with conviction that “YES, I will definitely be raising my children vegan”. Of course, like you say, not every version of a vegan diet will be adequate for growing children but being careful about my children’s food and monitoring their health a little closer than perhaps most is something I’m willing to do to keep in line with my ethics. You’re definitely doing a great job :)

  • The Cookie Fairy

    Great article. I’m only twenty, so I’ve some way to go before I have children (university first, eh!) but I’ve a feeling when the time comes, I’ll be raising children with a non-vegan husband. I would want to raise my children vegan, but what if the future hubby says no? What would you do in that situation?

  • Pied

    You know, that was wonderful, because it encompasses everything people should think about diet. Everyone is made differnetly, and while I think veganism can work for everybody, you need to find the “right vegan diet” for you, as you did for yourself. I’ve never been fully vegan, but have been feeling like taking the plunge. (I eat vegan at home because it’s just me and Mr. Kitty in the apartment and I don’t buy non-veg stuff) but when I go out with friends, that black bean burger with swiss looks awfully tasty. After a serious acne break-out recently (from a weekend bender of cheese and cream) it might be safe to say it’s time to take the plunge!

    Mostly I just wanted to comment because I’ve been following you for-EVER and with all the AFP and now with Joaquin in this post I felt it was safe to step forward and say “Hello!”. I’m interested in hearing your supplements, as I’m not a big supplement fan myself. I look forward to the next installment.

  • veggiesara

    Thank you for this wonderful post Sayward. I don’t have children – yet – but it’s interesting to read your perspective. It’s a difficult decision to make for me, because my husband is vegetarian and my parents are omnivores (or I should say ‘flexitarians’). This gives me something to think about :)

  • http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com/ Monika {windycityvegan}

    I’m a vegan mum, raising a vegan child with a non-vegan partner! Our daughter’s health comes first, above *everything* else – and he defends her vegan diet to nay-sayers just as vehemently as I do. While obviously I wish my husband was vegan, I’m ever thankful that he’s much closer to that end of the spectrum in part because of how well our daughter is thriving. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that it’s possible to find common ground with a non-vegan partner. We knew many many healthy vegans before we had our daughter, but we have yet to meet another child who has been vegan since birth.

  • http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com/ Monika {windycityvegan}

    Great post, although you’re preaching to the choir here (to me, I mean, not your readership in total). I read this over breakfast, and Nina said to tell you “thank you for all the vegan people pictures!” [vegan people = vegan since birth people.] Looking forward to your supplement post!

  • Rebecca Raupach

    Very happy to see this post as it reaffirms my “watch and see” attitude to vegan parenting. I became vegan three years ago and have felt healthier ever since. My husband soon followed suit, and we switched our son to a vegan diet also. My son is now four, and doing well. I’m currently experiencing my first vegan pregnancy- and so far it’s better this time than last (was ovo-lacto veg then). I predict having an easier time with meals with this second child, as he will be raised eating healthier foods from the start. We have real problems now getting our four year old to consistently eat healthfully- a constant worry. I supplement when possible, and constantly evaluate the health of my picky eater. Really, REALLY looking forward to your next post, and thank you SO much for addressing this.

  • http://www.facebook.com/crystal.dicus Crystal Dicus

    Great post, Sayward! Several of my friends are raising their children vegan, and every one of them is healthy and thriving. We are lucky here in Cleveland (Ohio) to have a registered dietician specializing in vegan nutrition for all life stages, Anya Todd http://www.anyatodd.com/ (she’ll be speaking at our first veg fest this June 1st). I like that you emphasize “versions” of the vegan diet, as it is entirely possible to eat primarily junk food that is still technically vegan, or on the other end of the spectrum – to be overly restrictive with fats, etc. And oh yeah, thanks for the Joaquin Phoenix link ; )

  • radicalturtle

    I really like your approach and compassion to, no matter what, do what’s best for your child! But a couple of points I’d like to raise are: No great civilization (with humans in superior health) in the past has ever thrived on a vegan diet. Also, it may take a couple of generations to really the effects of a diet (I’ve done a bit of research/reading). And, as you say, there have been no long term studies on the vegan diet. So while a child might be seem relatively healthy on the surface, his/her children could get the lesser of the stick and so forth. Of course, all just things to consider, happy monday!

  • Sarah

    Thank you for this – first, for your honesty/openness and second for ALL the pictures of those hubba hubba vegans. Yum indeed. My personal choice was to leave a fully vegan diet and re-become vegetarians after our kid was born. I bought into the argument that children’s developing brains need cholesterol and there’s not much more important to me than the brain (my husband and I are academics). Our fully vegetarian/whole foods three-year-old is as you described the vegan kids you know – under the average weight, incredibly bright, rarely sick, and never (NEVER) stops moving and talking at top speed. I also believe that you will go on to explain in further posts how a parent can supplement/work hard at getting the cholesterol etc into a kid but with two demanding careers (and tenure to achieve) we went with the easy route. Local organic “humane” eggs and cheese has been the easiest solution for us to balance nutritional needs and our time constraints. It’s what works for us and I appreciate the implication in your post that you’re not going to judge us for our choice. (But, personally, I still believe that no one ever needs to eat animal flesh for their health; that’s my line).

  • Lost and Confused

    “I realized that I would be worried sick no matter what I was feeding him
    – vegan or paleo or traditional or somewhere in between.”

    ^ I SO relate to this.

    I am not vegan, but have quit all dairy due to my 6-month-old’s sensitivity. I am extremely worried about weaning! Breastfeeding didn’t work out for us *thousands of tears shed* and I am exclusively pumping – something so time consuming, psychologically/spiritually draining and painful that I cannot foresee continuing beyond a year. (Please, readers: Do not judge unless you’ve been here.)

    The Weston Price weirdos recommend making my own liver/bone broth formula. But what would a vegan do?

    You are so lucky to have been able to bf for three years!

  • Lost and Confused

    Just to be clear, I mean weaning in the U.S.-sense (cessation of breastmilk) We have started a variety of solids. :)

  • http://twitter.com/lovalatte1 Emily

    Love your perspective!!! I do not have kids yet but everything you talked about are things I contemplate often. Thanks so much for sharing!

  • juana

    that photo of the two of you, teeny waits and mamma, is the sweetest thing ever

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=692392402 Joselle Palacios

    “However – and this is a big caveat of a HOWEVER – as parents raising vegan children, I believe that it’s important to be intellectually honest with ourselves. We should recognize that, really, this is all one big experiment. Because the truth is there’s still a whole lot that we don’t know about nutrition, and there are no (count them, zero) long-term scientific studies to guide us. There are nostudies on vegans-from birth.”

    bkhkldhflksdhfsl;kjl!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! I actually stopped reading at this point just so I can type this (I’ll finish reading, though!). This is an experiment (so is all of parenting, I suppose). And that is what nags at me. And, I’m just so relieved that you said that. That it’s okay to say that and it’s okay for this to not to be clean and perfect but that that doesn’t make veganism any less powerful and meaningful. Thank you.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=692392402 Joselle Palacios

    Monika, I always read your comments here but didn’t realize your daughter’s name in Nina. So is mine! She is about 10 weeks old.

  • http://www.facebook.com/koryrigler Kory Rigler

    Thank you for respecting the fact that not every child thrives on a vegan diet… I was heartbroken when I realized my oldest wasn’t growing… I couldn’t figure out where I was going wrong, I thought I was being so careful… but only 2 months into a modified omni diet she was growing again and is now very healthy :/

  • kristen

    i like this! i am currently contemplating how to best raise my currently unborn as a vegan. especially with my husband not being a vegan. i think it is important to remember that you are dealing with an individual person…at some point it has to become a decision. i realize that point comes later…i am curious how other parents have dealt with the questions that come with the realization that their diets are different from loved ones. sayward, i bet you are going to cover this in a later post!

  • Mary

    I have been waiting for this post! And I look forward to your next one. I have an 11 month old and your pregnancy survival guide helped us immensely (along with your posts about feeding the baby bonzai) so I know that these posts will be most useful. My little guy is also on the low end of the weight range but he’s so happy and active that I try not to worry about it. He eats way more stuff than non-veg kids his age!

  • http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com/ Monika {windycityvegan}

    I pumped for 15 months and you know what? I wish I had had the courage to stop sooner. I had HORRIBLE post partum depression and often wonder if it was worth pumping that long (I only stopped because we moved halfway across the country), giving my daughter breast milk that was full of stress hormones and such.

  • http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com/ Monika {windycityvegan}

    Hooray for vegan Ninas!

  • Michelle McNeill-Coronado

    I had breastfeeding difficulties too. BTDT, and SO MUCH EMPATHY. I wasn’t vegan yet when my daughter was 1-2 years old, she did not become vegan until she was five, but is a lifelong vegetarian. If we had been, I’d have gone for a commercial organic fortified soymilk, with special attention to making sure she got extra fats, maybe by mixing some coconut milk in there, and making sure to put a little ‘butter’ on her vegetables.

  • http://www.facebook.com/karenkayemyers Karen Myers

    I am so excited to learn from your “experiment” as I am now embarking on an adventure into the fun world of food with my baby boy. I, too, believe wholeheartedly veganism is the best dietary choice for my son but I have also told naysayers the same thing: if ever it was evident he was lacking something, I wouldn’t hesitate to explore options. But, I rest easy with the confidence I’ll likely never have to worry about that.

    What gets me the most is the need others have to question this lifestyle when they wouldn’t bat an eyelash at a toddler eating processed, fried “chicken” nuggets and french fries (supposedly made okay by the 5 preserved apple slices and pint of chocolate milk that came along side the unhappy meal). Someone actually once told me that denying a child McDonald’s is akin to denying them a “real childhood”!

  • http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com/ Monika {windycityvegan}

    I get the same “real childhood” line of bull from my sister . . . who has a nine-year old daughter in a training bra and 40 pounds overweight. Makes me sad for my niece.

  • Meghan

    Thans for the post! Aaron and I have sort of agreed to raise Anya ovo-lacto, but aside from a tiny bite of cheese once she has eaten vegan so far, because that’s what I cook. So far, so good!

  • Alanna

    Fantastic post. This is just what I needed to hear. I’m a new vegan and have been concerned about transitioning my children as well. I’m excited for your next post. Thank you. :)

  • Pati

    And she is a beautiful, healthy little girl. Not that Grandma isn’t biased :)

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Sara-Shumway-Thomas/1461588180 Sara Shumway Thomas

    Hi Sayward!
    Just want to say thanks so much for the posts on raising mini vegans. where i live, unfortunately, i am kind of alone. it really helps me to connect with other parents who are going through many of the same things, even if you are on the other side of the country. right now my son simon is 2 1/2, and has turned into a veggie hating machine. its horrible. he was so good about eating everything i gave him for so long, and he has had green smoothies every day since he was 6 mos, and now he’s refusing everything! im trying so hard to be creative and hide things, present them differently, give them cool names etc. but he is way too smart for that! it really sucks, but i keep telling myself he’s growing great, is super smart and has lots of energy. and overall, he DOES eat ok! just not what i necessarily would like =) so i am trying to be patient with his PBJ, coconut kefir, fruit & pretzels and hummus for lunch EVERY day! thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us! so glad to have you back and that you are feeling better now!!

  • Lost and Confused

    @Michelle Our pediatrician recommends organic soy as well. It might be the only realistic option. I’m with you 100% on healthy fats. :)

    @Monika Thank you for your comments. EPing is a strange sisterhood. I fully understand your doubt. It can reach a point of diminishing returns. I’m amazed by your courage to have gone for so long.

  • Diana

    Thanks for this post Sayward, it’s a subject that I think about a lot since I have a son close to Waits’ age. I’m not totally vegan anymore (I usually call myself a dairy avoider), in part because I live in France which is so not vegan friendly. But the biggest issue has been with my omnivore partner who was adamantly against our son even being vegetarian, on principle (we’ve had many an argument about this).

    We actually rarely have meat at home, but our son is in day care and I just couldn’t face fighting that battle given the French attitude towards vegetarianism – the best I could muster was claiming that he was allergic to dairy. But it frustrates me because I think his diet is far from what I would want it to be, both inside and outside the house, and I’m worried that he’s getting a taste for food I’d rather he not be eating. But I feel a little overwhelmed even about what to feed him at home, and have a hard time managing to make the meals I wish I could given my busy work schedule. Part of it is simply not knowing what to make, so I look forward to hearing about your ideas (and I loved seeing your pictures of what Waits was eating! ) and any suggestions you might have for books on feeding veggie kids.

  • No

    You made your “personal choice” to create new life now rather than when your ethics were better matched to your “demanding careers” and “time constraints.” Good thing you have enough time for your “kid,” though. Lucky! Too bad the chickens and cows you so selfishly steal from don’t have the same luxury of “choice.”

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    You need to keep your comments respectful in this community. Consider this your only warning.

  • Andrea Brown

    Love it! Thanks for sharing! As a new(er) vegan I struggle with how hard I should push this lifestyle on my husband and two-year-old son. My husband is definitely getting there, but I’m always nervous my son won’t get all the necessary nutrients…because of picky eating, not because I think a vegan diet is lacking, so I’m looking forward to reading your post on supplements…so, as always- thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

  • Jan

    I enjoy your posts immensely and must admit I’m past all the “childrearing”. I’m 56 yr. but can relate so much to all the conflict with choices. I have 5 children and they all eat a varied diet but are very conscious of their health, and there is some issues with digestion. We were vegetarian for years, and then became less dedicated when I worked fulltime. My husband and I have been vegans for 5 yrs. and my one belief that makes me know this is the right choice is that we are doing something VERY wrong, meaning our health care system and the belief that following a SAD will supply nutrition. I can’t believe the number of overweight people I see and how many people are unwell. My kids know that when they need some “homecooking”, they can come here for some good food and lots of health info. It’s my job as their mother. A mother’s work is never done! ha.
    I wish I had gone vegan years ago and had raised them vegan. To me, there is no other option. Keep the information flowing and know that if just one person makes the change, it’s all worthwhile.

  • http://twitter.com/veganza Renée ☕

    Every vegan kid I’ve met seems to be a Tasmanian Devil, in the best sense. Or a bookworm cross-species variety! I’m sure I’d keep up better if I was a lifelong vegan myself! Only 8 years in, 4yo + 2yo = zzz. ;)

  • Jen

    You poor thing! I feel your pain…pumping is the WORST! I went through a lot of suffering over how difficult and miserable breast-feeding was in the beginning. It took almost 4 months before my son figured out how to latch correctly and we had to supplement with Earth’s Best Organic Soy Formula at first (because I could only get out 1/4 ounce at most every time I pumped). I bought into the hype that formula was poison and felt like such a failure that we had to give him formula for a bit; but you know what? It saved his life and he thrived on it!

    Yes, “breast is best” if you can do it, but not everyone can do it. Many lactation consultants and judge-y moms who produce tons of milk and have babies who are talented nursers will make you feel like you just didn’t try hard enough, but sometimes you just have to know when to quit for your own sanity. Even though my son ended up breast-feeding for almost 3 years, I would NEVER go through all that stress of pumping 6-8 times a day and taping a nursing device to my nipples ever again. Ugh.

    I am sorry breast-feeding was such a big disappointment for you. I wish I could give you a big hug. Make sure you take good care of yourself first and foremost.

    If you decide to stop pumping, you have I wish I could give you a big hug

  • Jen

    P.S. Sorry about the last sentence! It doesn’t make sense and I don’t know how it got there. Wish there was an edit button so I could erase it. :-(

  • D Pedder

    Have been following your website for about 8 weeks now, love reading your articles. My wife put me onto a vegan diet about two months ago after watching a program called ‘Forkoverknife’. Now our family of four are vegans. What a magical healthier energising and calming way to live. I cannot understand why we had not changed sooner. We are so grateful for your informative and concise website, look forward to every tomorrows insites. Warmth n care to you n yours, thank you, Pedder Clan

  • Sheena

    Thank you, Sayward! I greatly appreciate you sharing your experiences and your perspective. I have to remember, too, that I would worry no matter what diet I fed my daughter…I try to keep my worry at the level of concern (i.e. watchful consideration as opposed to anxiety); it’s an ongoing task :)

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=585220690 Loraine MacDonald Speck

    Frankly, I don’t think I can take another “touting the merits of a ‘well-planned vegan diet’ for children” blog. A vegan diet, especially in 2013 when most grocery stores in North America carry intentionally vegan products with the “V” word written boldly across the packaging, has never been easier. Ugh! These blogs irk me because they schmeck of “exhaustively researched, carefully monitored vegan diets might not kill your baby”, and fail to comment on the fact that most omni kids eat chickens and apples with the skin peeled off and very little else. Clearly, kids are hardier than we give them credit for, how the hells else could children in Third World countries who eat rice every third day survive at all. So, unless you’re a vegan mom feeding your vegan babe tofu and bananas and very little else, this vegan-on-vegan fear-mongering needs to stop. Have confidence in your ability to feed your baby tofu, bananas, quinoa, kale, chickpeas, lentils, walnuts, zuccini, brocolli, squash, yams, hemp seeds, spinach and them growing big and strong and kind and the envy of every omni mom who picked up green apples instead of red.

  • Lost and Confused

    Thank you for these words.

  • Melisa

    Thank you for this!! I think the rigidity of some vegans hurts the cause. It’s so stressful to be unsure, but to feel you can’t reassess. I am pregnant right now, and struggling to find things I can stand to eat. I’m having to consider if TOTAL vegan ism will sustain me right now. It HAS to be acceptable, for some of us, to have something between 0 and 100%

  • Sarah

    This kind of comments makes vegans seem completely irrelevant and out of touch, and rude to boot. I’m glad Sayward doesn’t have this attitude, but then again, I’d make the “personal choice” not to be here if she did.

  • Melisa

    How old are your kiddos?

  • L Everman

    So this old lady speaks up!! I am glad to explore these options after a whole life of eating everything. I don’t know if I will be vegan; don’t know if I will be vegetarian; but I am very interested and thankful for this site and the perspectives it presents. Waits looks SUPER healthy; goodness. How could anyone look at those pics and think he looks undernourished or ill!! We cannot judge how people go about their beliefs. So if someone chooses to rearrange their food choice to fit into the current family situation; so be it!!! Don’t we all do that to some degree?? Take it from me – as these little kiddos grow up – what veggies they eat; what dairy they might eat, pales in comparison to the pre-teen and teen years where you are also forming their minds and convictions. Thank you for this site; I enjoy every part of it.

  • Maggi

    This post reflects how I feel as a parent raising a vegan 10 month old daughter. Living in South FL, I only know one other mother who has raised her children vegan, so this is unchartered territory for us. Our pediatrician is very understanding about our vegan lifestyle, as long as our baby stays healthy and gains enough weight. She recommended feeding her foods that are naturally fatty, like avocados. I’m also looking in to giving her coconut milk (also fatty) instead of whole milk when she turns 1.

  • Nicole

    Thank you so much for the post. I was just curious what kind of “milk” you fed Waits besides breast milk. Thank you

  • Jovita Speranzon

    To “No”: there is this saying ‘before judging me, make sure YOU are perfect”. I believe you used to be a happy cheese/egg eater too? I was.
    YES to Information and Respect
    NO to Shaming and Judging

  • Jovita Speranzon

    Melisa, this very rigid response makes me fairly certain she either has no kids or they are grown up now.