“What I” Wednesday: Second Prize

December 14th, 2011 - filed under: The Food » Food Styles

This WIAW was supposed to be extra awesome. A deviation from my normal weekday offerings, I was all set to show you guys my glorious, gluttonous Sunday. See, I don’t *always* eat super-clean. Always vegan? Yes. But always healthy? Well . . . I guess that depends on your definition! Anyway, I’d intended to showcase Sunday, which started with a beautiful buffet brunch:

And ended with this most perfect pairing:

Alas, all of the photos that happened between those two pics, are just, well . . . they’re BAD. Crap set-up, poor lighting, uninspired images. Frankly, I don’t want them on the site!

And so I scrambled to catalogue my Tuesday instead. Sorry! You get another weekday filled with lovely, delicious, nutritious foods. Something tells me you’ll survive.

It looked like this:

Coffee and Breakfast

French roast, stevia, homemade almond milk, and a happy little man. That’s a good morning!

With coffee secured I began to make Waits’s breakfast, while Waits began to make mischief.

Oatmeal (cooked in fortified almond milk) with goji berries, and a side sippy of more almond milk.

Unfortunately, he only took a few bites of this before turning his nose up. That’s okay – I just stole it for myself and gave him a bowl of pomegranate seeds (they’re actually called arils, did you know?) instead.

After a busy morning of cleaning, playing, and a loooong cold dog walk to the bank, secondhand children’s store, and grocers, we arrived home exhausted. I usually make us a green smoothie and then we take a bath, but not today. It was straight into bed for this little guy, and before long . . .

And so I scurried downstairs.


After my morning taste of oatmeal, and after that icy walk, I just wanted a big warm bowl of gooey goodness. And since we’d skipped the smoothie, I thought I’d add some protein powder into the mix. I’ve seen “protein oatmeal” all over the blog world so I figured I’d give it a try.

Um. It’s not so great? I mean, it’s not horrible or anything, but since oatmeal already has protein (and complete protein at that), I don’t think I’ll be doing this again. Anyway, I added a spoonful of roasted almond butter, a dollop of apricot jam, and a splash of almond milk, and it was pretty damn tasty. Served alongside an iced nettle/mint yerba mate tea, because I can’t have a meal without something green!

Baby Lunch

Waits woke up and I plopped him in his chair with the last of the pomegranate and some leftover Italian-style seitan. I go back on forth on seitan: on the one hand, it’s super high in protein and also, you know, really delicious. Relatively unprocessed when you make it at home. On the other hand, I’m not sure how I feel about wheat in general, and if it’s a food that I really want to include much in our diets (Waits no longer reacts, so it’s not an intolerance thing, just a general healthfulness thing). Thoughts?

He nibbled while I juiced:

And then we both enjoyed:

Afternoon/Evening Coffee

After juice we had our bath, then our whole get-the-baby dressed routine, don’t ask me why since the day was almost over, and by the time we were done with all that, I was a tired mama and it was coffee-thirty. I enjoyed my afternoon cup and we both grazed the last bits of seitan. Waits also ate an entire banana out of the blue – it was gone before I could even get a picture of it.

I parted ways with my boys just as they were setting out for Trader Joe’s, to forage for their dinner (kidney beans for Waits – his favorite – and chili + ciabatta for Damian). Tuesday night is my night off, and I had a date with a dear mama friend.

Soup! Coconut cauliflower curry, and it’s soooo good. Also, only one piece of bread is shown but I actually had three (two multigrain and one gluten-free made with teff).

And salad bar! Everything but the kitchen sink.

It was such a nice dinner, simple but perfect with a heaping side of great conversation. Going out like a grown up is such a treat these days!

And then later that night, when the house was asleep and I was working, I enjoyed a glass of very cheap wine (the Valdiguie, and you know? it ain’t bad! cheap + vegan = win!) and a very (wonderfully) tart orange. Such a sweet little night capper.


Aw man, I *really* wanted to get an outfit photo from yesterday, because not only was the get-up pretty cute, but DUDE, I was wearing lipstick even. For like, the first time in YEARS.

Alas, Damian was super late and I had to scoot along as soon as he got home. I took a few snaps of myself, but of course it’s not the same. Wah Wah Wah.

Ancient scarf, hand-me-down cardigan, Sock Dreams socks, oh you know how it goes!

Do you wear lipstick? HOW DO YOU KEEP FROM BEING TOTALLY SELF CONSCIOUS ALL THE TIME? Don’t you worry that lipstick is all over your face and teeth and everything else around you? What is the secret???

  • Morgan Gates

    Wonderful! Thanks, I wil be ordering a pair or two. I just moved from sunny San Diego to chilly NYC. I am literally having sock dreams!

  • Sam

    That is so helpful, thanks! I usually stumble through it, but this sounds so much better. I really appreciate it. And so does my kiddo, who will be eating more arils from now on :) (didn’t know they were called that).

  • Clare

    I think Waits gets cuter by the post. I’m sure it works on the off days, too. :) I also love the allowance for some “unhealthy” yet still totally conscious, delicious foods. I think feeding indulgence from time to time is a big part o’ being alive. Thank you!

  • http://eerosa.com erosan

    Your food is awesome, the pics lovely and all the usual compliments apply, but this time around I love you for teaching me the proper word for the pomegranate seeds! and lychee and rambutan and guayas. You have no idea how much I adore knowing the right word to name exactly what I want to describe. THANKS!

  • Annie

    I always just cut in half and bash the back (uncut side) with a spoon over a bowl. Always works.
    As for Arils, I had no idea it was called that! My sister always called them Rubies because they look like gems, she loves them and her name is Ruby :)

  • Annie

    You can make your own tinted balm by melting a little bit of lipstick and favourite balm together and then letting set.

  • Meghan

    My thoughts on wheat are the same as my thoughts on soy… in general, most things in moderation are good, unless you react poorly to them. (Which could be in the form of intolerance, or just generally making you not feel as good/healthy, or whatever) What “moderation” means varies from person to person, I think, because every body is different and has a different tolerance for things.

  • Meghan

    I try to “save” my soy for especially tasty things as well. I figure that aside from the occasional clif bar, even though I’ve vegan I probably eat LESS soy than the average person, because I mostly avoid processed crud that has random soy (and corn!). And I tend to rely on beans and quinoa and other stuff more for protein… so that when I really want a peppermint mocha or a tofu stirfry I know that I’m still doing it in moderation. :-)

  • Meghan

    Oh! And I don’t really wear lipstick, lip gloss OR chapstick! I love the look, but it just drives me nuts if I want to drink something. I don’t want to crud up my klean kanteen! My lip-product-free stance also stems from having been an instrumentalist for so long… I want to crud up my instruments even LESS than I want to crud up my water bottles.

  • Meghan

    Your tips almost make me want to go out and buy some lip stick or stain!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you Lexie! It means so much to me, truly. =)

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    I am the same way, so I definitely know. Word geek all the way!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    This is exactly how I feel when I’m being rational. ;-)

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal

    I agree that we need more research. It’s hard to be the trailblazers, as the first generation of long-term vegans. It can be scary! But I think there is something to the health claims (not any sort of miracles necessarily, but something) and I definitely believe that a whole-foods plant-based diet is nutritionally abundant and fulfills all dietary needs (save for B12 and potentially D, but that’s a problem with omni diets as well).

    But yes – more science!