HELLOOOOOOO! I’m back! The manuscript has been submitted to the publisher, and the project is finally wrapping up (loose ends, loose ends). Me, I’ve been trying to take a few days of down time, which I desperately needed . . . but you know how hard that is for me. Anyway, I can’t believe it’s over and to be honest, I’m still really (maybe even *just beginning* to?) process the whole thing. (Like – “Wait,what? So now I’m a raw cookbook author? What does that mean???”) But bottom line, I just can’t wait for life to return to normal. I’m taking the rest of the summer OFF from any big projects, just focusing on being a great mommy and an awesome wife and, of course, returning to full time blogging! I can’t wait. So, let’s get started with this MMM wrap-up . . .
Raw Lasagne from Vegan Mario’s in Santa Barbara, California, in early June.
I’ve been eating very well. Oh yes, very well.
This month’s mission was a continuation of last month’s mission, with a twist (we’ll get to that in a sec). We all challenged ourselves to eat a more healthy, whole-foods plant-based diet. Some people added daily juicing; others incorporated green smoothies. Some readers chose to go vegetarian for a week, and some even tried out veganism!
Me? Well of course, I’ve been raw. And aside from a very select few deviations, I’ve been entirely raw for the past two months.
Um, I feel fantastic.
Even though this has literally been the most cumbersome work load I’ve ever been under, I’ve managed my stress remarkably well. Not that I haven’t been a total mess, because I have, but it was actually Damian who brought to my attention how my diet is probably influencing my ability to make it through this. Seriously, I’ve been staying up well past midnight (WELL past) for weeks, taking care of my poor miserable teething baby all day, exercising plus going on two 30-60 minute walks each day, creating and testing over a hundred new raw recipes, and writing like a madwoman every single second that I can eke out to sit down alone with my computer. I’ve been overtaxed to the max and I should have crashed and burned out weeks ago.
Instead, I have *so* *much* energy. It’s kind of crazy when I think about it! I’m also prone to emotional instability when I get really stressed out, and I’ve been able to maintain a much more even keel throughout this process – actually much more than either Damian or I expected, haha. I only cried like a dozen times!
But joking aside, it’s a bit difficult to judge the efficacy of diet under such extreme circumstances. Who knows what has influenced what, and where the credit can be lain. All I know is, I made it through a beastly 7 weeks relatively unscathed. I even lost some weight and gained some muscle, and got that super spectacular raw-foods “skin glow”. I love that glow!
So ultimately, this mission has been a huge success for me. I’ll be continuing to eat high-raw, well, indefinitely. At least through summer. What I like about where I’m at right now, is that I don’t feel any sense of restriction. I eat raw foods because they make me feel amazing, not because I feel like I “should” or because I’m trying to prove a point. And if I want a little bit of cooked food, I’ll have it, without any worry or weirdness. Eating for what makes me feel good instead of just what tastes good, has been a huge paradigm shift for me over the past year or so. Luckily, what feels good also tastes friggin’ great! But then again, that took some adjustment, like it will for anyone (you too, if you give it time!)
Raw cheesecake quartet: delicious no matter who you are or what you’re used to.
Last month we extended the mission, and added an additional challenge: to read a book relating to our health goal. I chose Becoming Raw, by the authors of my “bible”, Becoming Vegan. I made good progress early on in the month, but got too busy for reading these last few weeks. No problem, I’m picking it right back up and I’ll be finishing soon. It’s a *really* great book, a truly honestly approach that presents the most balanced raw information I’ve ever read. There’s no dogma. The authors are straightforward and they’re not invested in the results, which means they review the literature with an open mind. The scope is exhaustive; they cover every study that’s been done on raw foods/foodists. They offer the pros and the cons, the benefits and the red flags, with tons and tons of science to back it all up. There’s also a great chapter in the beginning that details the history of the raw foods movement, which I found fascinating. All in all I recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in raw living. *Highly* recommend.
And what about you, my dears? How did your mission go? Do you feel the results of your healthy changes? And did you read anything that you found inspiring? Please, tell me all about it!
This was our twentieth mission (!!), and I’m considering taking a pause here for a while. Or, I’ve thought about doing a Bonzai Book Club instead, where we all read a book a month, and discuss. Would you be interested in a book club? Do you like the MMMs, and do you participate in them? Would you miss them if they were gone, or would you appreciate my time/energy and posting space being devoted to other endeavors? I’d love to hear your thoughts here!
Also, if you do like the MMM, do you have any ideas? I know I’ve asked this in the past, but I’m looking for more. Monday is right around the corner – if we do a MMM, what would YOU want it to be?
http://thelittleveganbaker.blogspot.com Stephanie
http://www.creativeanomalie.com sarah
http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com Monika {windycityvegan}
http://frugalfinally.blogspot.com/ Melissa
http://about.me/erosan erosan
http://mutualmenu.blogspot.com Joselle
http://www.sarathomas.etsy.com sara thomas
http://exoticdonkeymeat.com Kate
http://flightsofthevalkyrie.blogspot.com/ Valerie
http://www.vegansunshine.wordpress.com whitney
http://jenthevegan.wordpress.com Jen
http://andanin.blogspot.com/ Neysa
http://creativespiderbite.blogspot.com/ Pat
http://www.mamamonique.blogspot.com Monique
http://cheapwineandcookies.blogspot.com Colleen
http://sweetness-light.tumblr.com Natasja
http://www.mamassimplelife.blogspot.com Monique