Did You Hear That?

June 22nd, 2011 - filed under: Furthermore

My deadline looms large just 6 days away, and I am so busy I barely even have time to pee.

Please just know, I may be MIA, but I’m thinking of you guys all the time. Seriously! It’s taking all my will power to stay away (obviously, currently failing) but I really need to put my head down this week. It’s crunch time.

Next Wednesday it’s all over! I CAN’T WAIT!

  • http://jenthevegan.wordpress.com/ Jen

    Best of luck with it, can’t wait to see the finished product!

  • http://amongtheknights.blogspot.com Sara Ann

    You can do it!!! I can’t wait for Wednesday either.

  • Serenity

    1 word…. Depends

  • Kathryn

    Full speed ahead, you can do it!

  • shell

    write on sister!

  • RK

    Sending positive and productive vibes your way sister!

  • http://oliviajeankeepinitgreen.blogspot.com Olivia Jean

    go sayward go!

  • http://joyfulyogawithtara.blogspot.com/ Tara

    You can do it!

  • Sandra

    I know you can do it, Sayward! Wooooooo!

  • http://www.sarathomas.etsy.com sara thomas

    oh good luck sayward! you should be so proud of yourself for such (another!) huge accomplishment! i admire you very much for being able to balance family & work. i’m still struggling to get there! it’s such hard work being a stay at home mom!

  • Sam

    Good luck Sayward! You rock, and it will feel SO good to get that all done with, and to celebrate afterward :)

    PS lol @Serenity

  • http://twitter.com/erosan erosan

    gogogo! it is the last stretch! you can do it! just remember the mexican maxim about deadlines:
    “if not for the last minute, nothing would get done”

  • http://vegetalion.blogspot.com Sarah P

    Whoo! Good luck and keep breathing!

  • Moira

    You’re almost there! You’re also giving me strength to meet my big deadline tomorrow. Thanks!!

  • http://twitter.com/erosan erosan

    ohhh today is the deadline! so just in case you peek: “If you’ve got time to read this, you’ve better have finished! Otherwise go finish!” We are all cheering for you!

  • TeniseRae

    ALMOST THERE!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!! You can do eeeet! :D

  • http://cheapwineandcookies.blogspot.com Colleen

    Good luck! Can’t wait to have you back!