On the first Monday of every month, we take on a ‘mission’ – a shift or habit or inspiration – to work on together. There’s strength (and support) in numbers! On the last Thursday of the month, we reconvene to see how far we’ve come.
“Self improvement is masturbation.”
-Tyler Durden
I have this theory that the film Fight Club will provide an appropriately profound quote for every situation. It hasn’t let me down yet.
Last month’s MMM was about managing our stress, but a lot of us seemed to get sidetracked and the mission fell by the wayside. That’s okay! This month’s task offers perfect continuity, and we can move forward. Because part of managing stress is about managing perception; making your own reality as you see fit. And this month, that’s exactly what we’re going to work on.
A few years back I went through a quarter-life crisis. I’ve referenced this event before, because it was the catalyst that spurned a lot of my growth, and eventually led me to Bonzai Aphrodite. There were epiphanies that came from that dark horrible place, realizations that re-lit my internal fire (and the accompanying Fight Club quotes, of course!). But once that fire was lit it was all on me to stoke it, through hard work. Growth is hard work.
As I rebuilt myself, one of the greatest habits I developed was the use of a daily mantra. Yes, that totally New Age crystal-twinkie crap. Like, standing in front of the mirror and making positive affirmations, out loud.
No, I’m not crazy. No, I’m not a total hippie. Yes, it works. It really, really works. And the more you work it, the more it works. Back then my mantra was, “I’m not perfect, but I’m really, really awesome.” That’s all. I repeated it at least once a day, but often over and over as I went about my business. I did it mindfully – both felt (the ‘give’) and heard (the ‘take’) myself say it. Until one day I actually believed it. Holy crap, I believed it! I wasn’t perfect, and that was okay! And what do you know, I really was pretty damn awesome! I really believed it!
How amazing, that such a minuscule act could add up to such a momentous internal shift. Which begs the question . . . is Tyler Durden right?
Sure, maybe. But you know what? Masturbation is fun! It feels great, and it relieves stress, and, well, there’s nothing wrong with a little pursuit of pleasure.
So have at it. Love on yourself a little, metaphorically speaking. Come up with a mantra, and make it part of your day.
Mine is going to be:
“Everything always works out, and it just keeps getting better and better.”
What about you?
Still not totally convinced? Watch this video. We could all learn a thing or two about practicing positivity, from this badass little girl! She’s not afraid to love her life and we shouldn’t be either!
http://www.heathers-perspective.blogspot.com Heather (Perspective Is Everything)
http://indiearsenal.com Farmingtheburbs
http://twitter.com/erosan erosan
http://www.heathers-perspective.blogspot.com Heather (Perspective Is Everything)
http://becksplusworld.wordpress.com Becks
http://www.postcardsandphotography.blogspot.com sj
http://twitter.com/erosan erosan
http://www.myspace.com/tirscatha Lenn