There’s a bit of a meme floating about the internets right now, with vegan bloggers posting mini food diaries. Anyone who’s been vegan for more than a few days has faced the question, “So what DO you eat?!” (by the way: answer). These little 3-day food diaries are a great way of de-mystifying veganism. The truth is, we eat the same ol’ stuff as all of you omni’s out there. No biggie.
At this very moment I’m on a crazy elimination diet for breastfeeding, in hopes that it may help relieve the Wee Mr. Rebhal of some of his gas pains. So my current diet is not very balanced, or interesting. And last weekend we celebrated Damian’s birthday (we do birth weekends – sometimes entire birth weeks – instead of piddly birthdays), which was also not at all reflective of what I normally eat. So I’m going all the way back to last week. And actually, I was away from home visiting family, so even this is not my standard fare (it’s much more carb-heavy, and MUCH more sugar, than I usually eat). But oh well, so you get to see how a vegan eats when traveling!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
- Breakfast – Kasha (buckwheat groats) with Earthbalance™, salt, and agave.
- Snack – Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and agave.
- Lunch – Tomato soup with olive oil + rosemary + sea salt crackers. Side salad with tomato, cucumber, and avocado, with Goddess dressing.
- Dinner – Split pea soup. Sourdough with dipping oil (lemon olive oil + balsamic vinegar). Big salad with black beans, corn, tomatoes, black olives, hearts of palm, and pepitas, tossed in vinaigrette.
- Dessert – A couple squares of dark chocolate. Peach herbal tea.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
- Breakfast – Sourdough toast with peanut butter + agave (2 pieces). Earl Grey tea with almond milk +agave.
- Snack – 2 blood oranges.
- Lunch – Big salad with brown rice, tomatoes, carrots, guacamole, and grilled tofu, with tahini dressing. Fresh made veggie juice with carrot, beet, and celery.
- Snack – Coconut chocolate chip cookie.
- Dinner – Half an artichoke. Moroccan lentil soup. Vegan cesar salad.
- Dessert – Apple pie.
Friday, 30 April 2010
- Breakfast – Oatmeal with almond milk + agave. Peach herbal tea.
- Lunch – Veggie sammich with roasted red pepper, onion, tomato, cucumber, green onion sprouts, and avocado, on whole grain bread. Small green salad with balsamic. Side of grilled fingerling potatoes with ketchup.
- Snack – Peanut butter chocolate chip cookie. Decaf frapuccino, from Starbucks (*had* to try the new vegan fraps!)
- Dinner – Thai food! Panang curry with tofu. Yakisoba noodles with mixed veggies.
- Dessert – 2 chocolate chip cookies.
Here’s ‘the assignment’ from For other 3-day food diaries, check out the girl who started the meme, and this response, and also this one, and this one. And of course, there’s always the Livejournal community, vegan_foodblog.
Are you veg*n? What does a typical day of eating look like for you?
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