I’m so excited how this turned out, and you’ll just have to believe me when I cross my heart and tell you it’s not rigged! I promise!
But I so wanted these awesome vegan-promoting undies from an awesome vegan company, to go to one of our awesome new veg*ns! In the birthday post, a few of you mentioned that Bonzai helped steer you towards adopting a more compassionate diet. That kind of statement is just the best birthday present ever! So I secretly wished that one of those fledgling veg*ns would win. And . . .
. . . Number 23 reads,
“Yay! Happy birthday bonzai aphrodite! I’ve been along for the ride since almost the beginning (I began reading your blog in March ‘09) I’ve enjoyed the tips and tricks to being socially concious, and totally fabulous. I actually became a vegan because of this fantastic community. :-) You have helped me become a better and healthier person. Thank-you Sayward! <3"
So congratulations to Salekdarling, who I also recently thanked in the FFF (But I really really swear guys, no funny business here! What can I say? Kindness begets kindness, Universe-style!)
So Salekdarling, I’ve sent you an email and I’m just waiting to hear back. Congrats again on the win, and on the veg*nism!
Tenise Rae
Tenise Rae
http://kpapoulias.blogspot.com/ Kathryn
http://salekdarling.livejournal.com/ Salekdarling