HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bonzai Aphrodite!!!

February 1st, 2010 - filed under: Furthermore » Inspiration


Happy Birthday to this no-longer-wee website, and Happy Birthday to all of you, who make up her heart!!! Part of me still can’t believe a year’s gone by already. I’m still getting the hang of this! I’m still just getting started!

Another part of me can’t quite believe it’s only been a year. Was it really just 13 months ago I was working my unfulfilling day job? Has it only been 12 short months of covering such diverse topics as gardening and urban farming, sustainable fashion and an ambitious manifesto, backyard chickens and indoor seedlings, tons of vegan sweets and savory treats, ten life-changing challenges, and so much, so much more? And of course, a year of inspired contributions from each and every reader – the blog comments and personal emails and dialogue with each other throughout the site. You all have grown this little seed of an idea into something greater than I’d ever dared to dream of.


For the first 6 months of Bonzai’s web life, I posted every. single. workday. (whew!) Since then, barring medical breaks, I’ve maintained a schedule of 4-5 posts per week. All in all I’ve written over 250 entries and articles. And we’ve received hundreds of thousands of visitors!

Articles I’ve written have been featured across the internet, most notably on sites like Lifehacker and Apartment Therapy‘s green blog Re-Nest. The most popular posts continue to be for DIY hygiene and cleaning recipes, like deodorant, drain-o, laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, and hair gel. Who’d have though!?

I’m so proud to say that I’ve done all of this without accepting any advertising offers! Bonzai Aphrodite operates free from external financial influence, and will continue to follow the PBS/NPR model of ‘viewer/listener supported’. You’ll never have to question my integrity – I can promise you that.

Finally, I must give some thanks. Firstly, foremostly, and foreverly, to my AMAZING HUSBAND who was the catalyst and carrier for all of this. Damian encouraged me over and over to quit my job and pursue my passion, and he has continued to support me unfailingly throughout this crazy, oftentimes incredibly stressful, process. It is absolute truth that this site would not exist if it weren’t for him (hell, he designed it!), and I cannot thank him enough for that.

And then, of course, YOU GUYS. Thank you thank you for making my dreams come true! You all amaze me and inspire me and make me excited to wake up and ‘work’ every morning, and I just can’t thank you enough for that. I wanted to show a little gratitude (and support one of my favorite local businesses in the process), so I’m giving away these adorable, special addition underwear from Herbivore Clothing Co! All you have to do to enter is visit the Herbivore site and then leave a comment here. I’ll randomly select one lucky winner next week. Boys and girls are welcome to enter (there’s boxer-briefs as well), and non-vegans can play too as long as you don’t mind sporting ‘Veganism is for Lovers’ on your bum! Good luck everyone!


So what’s next for Bonzai Aphrodite? BIG THINGS my friends! Damian and I are scheming to expand, and I have more ideas than I know what to do with. I always tell my readers to “Dream big – no, BIGGER”, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I hope you’ll come along for the ride!


  • Minna

    Happy birthday, dear Bonzai Aphrodite! I know I will come along for the ride! =)

    This is so awesome, I’m really looking forward to all of those amazing ideas you two crazy revolutionists have come up with. No doubt they’re gonna be brilliant.

    Also, I hope me and other readers send you guys enough good energy (and tips, hehe) & inspiration so that you manage to keep up with this community (I really like to call it a community!) AND your new tiny family-member =)

    .. Now I’ll go celebrate with dark chocolate and rum cocktail ;)

  • susan

    Happy Birthday !
    I’ve been so inspired by this blog.
    and those undies are adorable

  • http://becksplusworld.wordpress.com Becks

    Aww… Happy Birthday Bonzai Aphrodite. My only regret is that I didn’t find you sooner. You have helped keep me on track with your lovely monthly missions that I can follow.

    Make a wish!

  • http://www.ultimatemoneyblog.com Mrs. Money

    Happy Birthday, BA! :)

  • http://www.erinuminn.blogspot.com Erin

    Happy Birthday to Bonzai Aphrodite, and here’s to many more! Excited to see what this coming year will bring!

  • Annie

    :) Happy Happy birthday!! Thankyou so much for this place, I actually LOVE it. If only superman wore underpants like those….xxxx

  • Cassie

    love it, love you, love the herbivore stuff!

    happy birthday, again!

  • http://www.heathers-perspective.blogspot.com Heather

    feliz cumpleanos sweet bonzai aphrodite! thanks for the link to the herbivore clothing, co!

  • Kate

    Happy Birthday to Bonzai!

    I know your popular posts are the cleaning ones, but the way I found your site was by googling for ‘master cleanse’ information. I am training for a big relay race (RAGNAR), but after the race, my roommate and I will do the cleanse together. I can’t wait!

    Thank you to Bonzai for all of your inspirations and food for thought :-)

  • http://www.countryfried.wordpress.com Charley

    Happy, Happy Birthday! x

  • http://twitter.com/erosan EroSan

    Happy one year anniversary BA!

    Here’s hopping for many, many more!

  • Leah

    Right on! So glad I stumbled across this blog.

  • http://thegreengeek05.wordpress.com Courtney

    You’ve only been doing this for a year?! It gives the impression of being a more experienced blog. That is so awesome! I’ve always been inspired by this place. It’s what got me starting my own green blog. I just hope that mine can live up to my expectations. And those undies are so cute! Here’s to another great year!!

  • GirlFriday

    clickety click click click


    Happy Bday BONZAI!

  • Alis

    Happy Birthday! I’ve been enjoying your blog for the last few months. I’m out in Hillsboro.

  • Jill

    Happy Birthday! Cute underpants, I’ll have to check out the sit and see what other cute things they have.

  • http://my.crazysexylife.com/profile/tasha Natasha

    bonzai aphrodite is for lovers! wishing you a very happy birthday — and maaany more! kudos and many thanks to you, sayward, for providing the inspiring posts that you have. cheers!

  • Meghan

    woooo, happy birthday!

  • Lili

    Happy birthday! and thank you for giving all of us, your readers, so much information and inspiration.

  • daoine o’

    happy, happy birthday! *toot-toot*!

    awesome site, incredible inspiration (and information, as aforementioned many times!), continued success to you, and ah, yes, oooh-la-la, cute undies, too! :-D

  • Julie

    Sayward, you rock. Thank you for your creativity! Love the science behind many of your posts.

  • Tenise Rae

    Ditto! :D

  • http://salekdarling.livejournal.com Salekdarling

    Yay! Happy birthday bonzai aphrodite! I’ve been along for the ride since almost the beginning (I began reading your blog in March ’09) I’ve enjoyed the tips and tricks to being socially concious, and totally fabulous. I actually became a vegan because of this fantastic community. :-) You have helped me become a better and healthier person. Thank-you Sayward! <3

  • http://kpapoulias.blogspot.com/ Kathryn

    Aww, happy birthday, bonzai! I remember when I first came across this blog and you were in the middle of your master cleanse and I thought you were crazy awesome for having the self-control to do that. Turns out you’re still crazy awesome. :) I can’t believe it’s been a year!
    This continues to be one of my favourite blogs, if not my number one favourite, and I check it all the time. I get so much inspiration and hope from you. :)
    Thanks for all the posts, and here’s to another great year!

  • Staar

    Happy Birthday to the site and to the community that you’ve created!!! I know that this site always brightens my day A LOT. I love that you’ve been able to create a space that is concerned with fashion and ethics. Thanks for all the hard work Sayward and I’m so excited to see what will come next!


  • http://winglessfae.deviantart.com/ Cecily

    Your success is inspiring and so very admirable. I’ve introduced so many people to your site, and everyone is just asqueeeee when they really get in here and see what it’s about. So Happy Berfday! You make all our lives richer.
    On a coincidental note, my husband and I just officially made the move to *vegan* (yay!) so these undies would be an awesome commemoration :) And if I don’t get them, I think I’ll just buy a pair anyhow!
    HB, BA!

  • Jenny B.

    Happy Birthday Bonzai! You are truly an inspiration in my life!

  • April

    Joyeux anniversaire, BA!

    The undies are super cute :)

  • Lisa

    I LOVE this site. Keep on doing what you do! It’s inspired me to change a lot of things that I wouldn’t otherwise. Such as going on the master cleanse, switching to no-poo, and truly realistically contemplating veg*nism. Thank you.

    P.S. One of my best friends’ name is Say :)

  • http://indiearsenal.com Farmingtheburbs

    *high five*, great job. I love this site.

  • Kelly

    Aw Say…thank YOU (and Damian)!! This site is such a joy and inspiration. I hope you stick around and spread the love for many, many, MANY more years!

  • TeanyTinyStar

    Happy Birthday to your lovely little site :) I’v really enjoyed reading it these past few months :)

  • http://starshipnarcissus.blogspot.com Lisa


  • http://starshipnarcissus.blogspot.com Lisa

    Congratulations! Thank you for having such an awesome website. I found it right after I went vegan 6 months or so ago. Those undies are so cute!

  • Christy

    Happy milestone! Thanks for all that you do…

  • http://www.creativeanomalie.com sarah

    I have also been following since the beginning and you have done a fabulous job since that wonderful day (Damian lovely job on the site – as a designer I can attest to the fact that I inspect the visual elements just as much as the content. That first visit did not disappoint!)

    I eagerly check my RSS each day for your new posts. Thanks for just being you, because that’s what makes this awesome!

  • Sarah

    Happy Birthday :)

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward


    Thanks to everyone who entered!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward

    THANK YOU everyone for all the wonderful comments and support! Cheers to a great first year, and double cheers to an even better second!

    And especially to Salekdarling, Cecily (+ husband), Lisa, and everyone else out there going/thinking of going veg*n! CONGRATULATIONS, for your health, and on behalf of the animals I say THANK YOU! =D

    You all are amazing. All my love!

  • http://girlandamat.wordpress.com/ Danielle

    Happy 1st Birthday! You are always so inspiring!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward

    @ Danielle – Thank you dear!!!

  • Pingback: Winner of the Bonzai Birthday Giveaway! | Bonzai Aphrodite