On the first Monday of every month, we take on a ‘mission’ – a shift or habit or inspiration – to work on together. There’s strength (and support) in numbers! On the last Thursday of the month, we reconvene to see how far we’ve come.
The blogosphere seems to be split into two: the “I-don’t-believe-in-new-year’s-resolutions-because-we-should-be-making-positive-choices-ALL-year” camp, and the “I-always-hated-resolutions-but-recently-I’m-drawn-to-the-idea-of-setting-some-good-intentions (but-I’m-still-not-calling-them-resolutions)” camp.
Me? I love a new year and a fresh start. Any opportunity to clean house, to take stock, to re-inspire, and most of all, to make lists! That’s all good as far as I’m concerned.
Each December I spend the month reflecting on the year that’s past, revisiting what I had hoped to achieve, and imaging what I want the next year to look like. I’ve written in the past about my yearly Word doc – the one that sits on my desktop so that I always have easy access to my ambitions.
I make a new doc each year. First, I copy and paste the old one. I like to scroll back in time, from more recent years to the oldest ones, to remember how far I’ve come (and how successful I’ve been at fulfilling my aspirations!) At the top of the new doc I always start with a title for the year – something to sum up the overall tone I’m going for. For example, 2009 was titled “Living The Dream”.
And this year, 2012?
“You Only Get One Shot”
Underneath my title, I outline my annual intentions. There’s always a theme – for example last year was “Quality Over Quantity”. And then I list my specific goals.
And this year, 2012?
“This is my ONE LIFE. What is *really* important? What will have mattered once I’m gone? “You only get one shot” – so make it count! Fill it with joy. Unplug. Fill it with laughter. Family comes first! Always, always Live in the Love.”
This year I’ve listed some specific goals (which I’m choosing to keep private), but what I’m intending to do for January – and for this MMM – is to outline an actual plan of action to help me achieve each of these goals. Step by step! No excuses! I find that it helps to work backwards, to begin with your end goal and then to imagine where you would have to be in order to take that last step to get there. And then what would get you closer to that second-to-last step? And so on.
For example, I always mean to send birthday cards to my friends, but I never do. I hate that! Why does it happen? Here’s a plan of attack:
End goal: Sending Card
What keeps me 1 step away: Not being able to find the time to get to the store for a card. (gah!)
Action: Buy (or make) cards NOW, and keep a stash on hand (with stamps!)
But what keeps me 2 steps away: Not remembering birthdays in time (oh shame!)
Action: Go through iCal and set reminders for all important birthdays – 2 weeks in advance with a 1 week follow-up.
End Result: Cards are easy to send!
That’s just one small example, but you get the point. So, this MMM is all about -
- Setting intentions for a new year, and
- Outlining a very specific plan for conquering those intentions
Are you in?? Have you already set some intentions? Know how you’re going to keep the momentum?
http://almostveganchef.com/ Amber Shea @Almost Vegan
http://suburbansnowwhite.blogspot.com/ Suburban Snow White
Gabrielle De Vries
http://www.myperfectlyimbalancedlife.wordpress.com/ Lexie
http://www.tiedyefiles.com/ Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFiles
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal