Ultimate sadness. This is definitely not going on my love list this week!
Oi Oi! Hello friends, and happy Fridays all around! We had a pretty rough week around these parts, as evidenced above (buckle fracture – also called the “toddler fracture” – from a tumble on the slide), so we’re very much looking forward to a fun-filled weekend. And filled with fun, it will be! But before we get to all that . . .
This October I’ll be participating in MoFo, or the Vegan Month Of Food, which is a collective endeavor from the vegan blogging community, to blog about all things vegan and awesome for every. single. day. of the month of October. Anyone can play! You should play too!
Being the busy full-time mommy that I am, and seeing as this is this is the year of quality over quantity, I’m cutting myslef some slack and hoping to post at least 5 days/week. A lot of MoFo-ers choose a theme to guide their posts and offer inspiration. For example Monika will be gluten-free-vegan-izing Halloween treats all month! And Joanna has set a theme for each day, like Mondays = recipe, Fridays = product review, etc.
So why am I telling you this? Good question!
I would like to follow a theme, but I want to know what YOU’D like to see! I was thinking of doing “RAWK-toberfest” (sort of as a playful jab at the raw community and how they’re always trying to work the word “raw” into everything, which has become Damian’s favorite game and has resulted in some truly awful meal titles. Oh, how he thinks he is a funny one!) wherein I would post a raw food/raw recipe/raw-related something every day. But maybe you guys don’t want so much raw?
In 2011 I’ve done some massive diet experimentation, which I’ve never written about, so I was thinking I could finally write about that for MoFo.
Or, I thought about doing a photo theme, maybe even an Instagram photo theme, and posting tons and tons of food porn pics of everything I eat, maybe even in real time. Sort of tumblr-style.
Or . . . I don’t know, you tell me! Any ideas? What do you want??
And now, the fun stuff . . .
Le Love List
1. VEGFEST! It’s one of my favorite events of the year (see past recaps here: 2009 and 2010), and this year is going to be extra special, because I’ll be promoting my book! I love VegFest and I love the Portland vegan community and pretty much any time you get a whole lot of vegans in one place, it’s an effing amazing feeling. VEGANS ARE THE BESTEST PEOPLE! So supportive, so damn friendly.
If any Pacific Northwesters will be there, I’ll be bouncing around with Mr. Waits all day on Saturday, and then I’ll be hanging around the Herbivore booth signing books all day Sunday. If you see me, please come introduce yourself!
2. The First Bonzai Facebook Chat. Aw, that was so fun! If you missed it, you can still read all the questions and answers over at the BA Facebook page. We’ll have another one in a few months!
3. Getting caught up on my email inbox and Bonzai comments. Gosh, I can be bad about letting this get out of hand. And it always feels like a world of stress is lifted once I get it back under control. I really need to work on this!
Also! Feeling fall in the air and being inspired to hunt down a can of pumpkin puree because I got bit by the baking bug –> the maple-glazed pumpkin cornbread that ensued, tatter-punk inspiration folders overflowing with amazing fashion, cilantro green juice, secondhand rain boots for Waits, awesome writing opportunities, hours spent in the city of books researching for my next big project (!!!), toddler-sized Bacon Had A Mom t-shirts, oh there’s so much to love . . .
Alright guys, now it’s your turn – tell me what you’re loving this week!
My darlings, this happy little post will stay at the top of the page all weekend, so stop by any time to leave your Love List, ask a question, or offer some feedback! Or if you’re new, please introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’! This is your community, so get involved!
Kathryn B.
http://www.freshyoungcoconut.blogspot.com/ Nikki
http://eerosa.wordpress.com erosan
http://eerosa.wordpress.com erosan
http://simplybeme.com Jenny @ Simply Be…me
http://simplybeme.com Jenny @ Simply Be…me
Kate in SB
http://spabettie.com Kristina @ spabettie
http://twitter.com/andanin Neysa
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=602205227 Kris Cox
http://www.growingraw.com GrowingRaw
http://www.vegansunshine.wordpress.com Whitney
http://eerosa.wordpress.com erosan
http://jenthevegan.wordpress.com/ Jen
Joselle Palacios
http://cjousnamer.wordpress.com/ Cassandra
http://cjousnamer.wordpress.com/ Cassandra
Sara Ann
Sonja Gaedicke
http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com Monika {windycityvegan}
http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com Monika {windycityvegan}
http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com Monika {windycityvegan}
http://eerosa.wordpress.com erosan
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=38914961 Sarah Jessi Smith
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=38914961 Sarah Jessi Smith
http://www.healthifulbalance.blogspot.com Shannon @ Healthiful Balance
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal