On the Parenting Panel (sitting far left) at Vida Vegan Con. W00t! Pic from Margaret.
So, have you noticed the absence of Vida Vegan Con recap? Yeah, so here’s the thing.
I don’t know what to say! I keep sitting down to write about my experience, and I’m all afluster. If I included everything that impacted me, and all the amazing people I met, and all the wonderful ideas I took away from the weekend, well, that would be a really long post. But when I try to edit down, I feel like I’m not doing it any justice. So instead, I’ve got my fingers in my ears, going lalalala and looking the other way. (And eating sunflower seed butter.) (Lordy help me so good can’t stop.)
So here’s what I’m going to do: I’m going to point you at other people’s blogs. I mean, that’s what this was really all about anyways, right? The blogging community? These awesome bloggers have it way more together than I do on this one, so if you want to experience VVC vicariously for yourself, here ya go:
Jess, one of the conference founders, offers her first thoughts as the dust settles.
Gena writes about days 1 & 2 & 3.
JL, who I was so happy to meet this weekend, has written an entire series of posts – and is still going. You can read through her blog for all the VVC awesomeness.
Finally, Grant Butler of the Oregonian has a nice summary article, too. (he’s vegan!)
And now, on to the loving!
Le Love List
1. SPEAKING AT VIDA VEGAN CON! Last week the anticipation of this was at the top of my love list; this week, it’s the accomplishment of it. Satisfaction. Okay, so I may not have been the most eloquent or profound of all panelists, but hey, I didn’t cry and I didn’t pee my pants, and as far as I am concerned that is SUCCESS!
I almost didn’t go to VVC at all, because I was too afraid to speak (couldn’t afford the cost of admission otherwise). But in the spirit of personal growth, on a wild whim I sent an email, signed myself up, and never let myself look back. And when it came time to do it, I held my breath and jumped in.
Public speaking was my biggest fear. Literally. Hands down. Like, I dropped multiple classes in college just to get out of it. And now, I’ve faced it down. I’m on the other side. There is nothing else that feels like that sort of courage!
What are you most afraid of? DO IT!
2. This video Jonathan Foer’s book, Eating Animals, was chosen for incoming students at UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University to read and discuss. The video is of his address at the event, and is a really interesting listen. Can’t say I agree with everything he says, but it certainly gives me lots to think about. Thanks for the link Monika!
(Also, speaking of Miss Monika, I think this post deserves a spot on the Love List as well. RIGHT ON!
3. Friends Old friends who I’m really leaning on these days. (thanks guys) New friends who excite and inspire me and give me hope. This chick, who I officially, unadulteratedly, unabashedly have a super rockin’ girl crush on.
Also! Earl grey tea, sunflower seed butter, following my gut, facing the facts, opening up, crying, being okay with missing my mom, spending time outside, the way Waits tries to climb into the TV whenever a pool is on the screen, breastfeeding, Waits Waits Waits . . .
Alright guys, now it’s your turn – tell me what you’re loving this week!
My darlings, this happy little post will stay at the top of the page all weekend, so stop by any time to leave your Love List, ask a question, or offer some feedback! Or if you’re new, please introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’! This is your community, so get involved!
http://windycityvegan.wordpress.com Monika {windycityvegan}
http://almostveganchef.com/ Amber Shea @Almost Vegan
http://www.facebook.com/people/Alexander-Samons/100000246484494 Alexander Samons
http://www.facebook.com/people/Alexander-Samons/100000246484494 Alexander Samons
http://www.facebook.com/people/Alexander-Samons/100000246484494 Alexander Samons
http://www.facebook.com/people/Alexander-Samons/100000246484494 Alexander Samons
http://jlgoesvegan.com JL
Jane P.
http://twitter.com/alihalsaba Alina S
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=692392402 Joselle Palacios
http://www.zerowastelifestyle.blogspot.com Sonja (zerowastelifestyle)
http://www.emilyscrueltyfreekitchen.blogspot.com Emily
http://spabettie.com Kristina @ spabettie
http://www.facebook.com/people/Sara-Shumway-Thomas/1461588180 Sara Shumway Thomas
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=38914961 Sarah Jessi Smith
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
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http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
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http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal
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http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/ Sayward Rebhal