A few weeks back I received an email from a lovely lady named Rachel, founder of Soapwalla Kitchen. Rachel asked if I’d like to sample some of her stuff, and after a bit of snooping . . . well, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it! Soapwalla is designed for sensitive skin and is all natural – none of those questionable nasties. Every item is hand made, all packaging materials are recycled, and best of all, everything is vegan. All of the ingredients are food grade and are gentle enough for even wee Mr Waits to use!
I started with the soap, which is an exciting new world for a tom boy like me. I had a friend when I was in my 20s, who was a self described ‘soap snob’, but I never understood it. Soap is friggin’ soap, right? WRONG! You all probably know this already, but I was way late to the game . . . like 27 years late.
It’s only in the past few years that I’ve discovered artisan soaps, high-quality hand made treasures that offer the utmost in luxury. What a way to show a little self love! And Soapwalla is right up there. It can be tricky to get the right texture in vegan soaps (that animal fat – ew! – goes a long way), but these bars are unimaginably creamy. And the scents! I sampled the Cardamom & Ginger and the Shea Butter, Tangerine, & Clay. Both were deliciously delicate, absolutely perfect. I love this soap!
Next up was the deodorant, which very much reminds me of my own homemade stuff. That’s not a bad thing! My deodorant is the shizzie, people love that stuff. Soapwalla’s is a little softer and a little milder – she uses a jojoba blend base instead of coconut oil.
I think this deodorant would be superior for super sensitive skin. For a girl like me, I’m down to make my own stuff. But if you have neither the time nor the inclination for cosmetic chemistry, then I very much recommend this deodorant. It’s the best commercial stuff I’ve come across!
And finally, the Restorative Face Serum. *sigh* To be perfectly honest, this was the one I was least enthused about. I just didn’t think a little bottle of oil could do more than the crazy conventional crap I still [guiltily] buy and apply each day. Yes it’s true, my lotion and my fancy face cream are the last two hold-outs in my homemade cosmetic adventure. And I was just plain skeptical that this stuff would stand up to my old standard.
Oh my, oh my oh my was I WRONG. Seriously you guys, I cannot speak highly enough of this product. My skin has never looked better. I was worried about applying straight up oil, but my face just drank this stuff up! No nasty slick residue, just this amazing, gorgeous radiant *glow*. THIS IS THE BEST FACE GOO EVER. Hands down. Period. I want more!
Thanks so much to Rachel for being so awesome and for being inspiring, living the dream. Guys, she’s cooking this stuff up in her kitchen in Brooklyn – and you can really feel the love in the final outcome. The holidays are coming up, and this is a perfect opportunity to shower your loved ones with FABULOUS gifts, while simultaneously supporting a small artisan business. So please, check out Soapwalla Kitchen, and let me know what you think!
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