The Friday Feedback Forum

September 17th, 2010 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback

Oi there! It’s the glorious weekend, and what better way to start it off than with a nice dose of appreciation? So, THANK YOU THANK YOU to Deborah H, who dropped a little something in my tip jar earlier this week. All your donations go right back into the site and help keep this little ship afloat. And more importantly, the gesture itself does so much to let me know that what I’m doing really matters to people. So thank you – it means the world!

I’m soooo excited for this weekend, omg I can barely sit still. It’s VegFest! (last years report here) For a veg*n foodie geek like me, this event is pretty much Christmas in September. Squee!!! And this weekend is also the Portland Pirate Festival, where my very own brother is in charge of the beer garden. Muahaha . . . It looks to be an amazing weekend, and here on Bonzai it’s time for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions. I’d love to hear any thoughts you’ve had about the site!

And keeping with the tradition of the past few weeks, please gimme gimme a list of the things you love! How about three things that you’re excited for! (mine = 1. meeting and eating at VegFest!!! 2. spending time with my family in a pirates tavern 3. setting new intentions and growing into them) Mmm, anticipation is so delicious . . .

In site-related news, we’ve been doing some maintenance based on your suggestions, mostly related to searching and navigation. Hopefully these tweaks will make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. Just wanted to let you know that we’re listening!

And finally, just a little reminder that the Great Bonzai Seed Exchange is in the works, so don’t go pulling up summer plants or tossing out the fruit/veg innards, before attempting to save some seeds!

Whew! This thing get’s longer and longer each week!

As usual, the Feedback Forum will remain here at the top of the page all weekend, so if you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, you can stop back by any time. This is your community, so get involved and have your say!

Have a beautiful weekend!

  • Tenise Rae

    1. I’m SO excited for the greatest roller derby bout in southern Oregon tomorrow! The joining of two awesome leagues now will become one HUGE league (still separate teams though). It’s gonna be a kick ass bout! Derby love baby!
    2. I love that it’s finally cool enough to really start diving into my new yard, and actually get something accomplished without dying of heat exhaustion. I’ve been diggin’ up my veggie beds, relocating them to a better, more sunny, part of the yard. So exciting!
    3. And I’m very excited to finally get some stuff on Etsy. The biz needs some more work still but I’m gettin’ there and it feels great!! Here come the holidaaaays… :D

  • Janine

    Your baby pics are killing me! I’m not quite 39 weeks and need mine out NOW!

    My friend is one of the pirates – too fun!

    Do you have a formal mission statement to go with the Montly Mission this month? As in, what you hope to accomplish with growing Bonzai?

    Also: Driving by a Whole Foods today I saw a huge window sign/painting that said “Kombucha is Back!” and totally thought of you/this blog.

  • Squiggle

    1. I’m mega excited about starting my first ever master cleanse today and learning all about my bodies needs/wants.
    2. Related to 1, I’m looking forward to re-wiring my eating habits to be healthier and more eco-concious (I’d also love to learn to enjoy root veg! Currently I hate them.)
    3. I’m planning a halloween party for loads of people at a monthly gathering we have and I can’t wait to spread the vegan-cupcakey goodness :)

    So all about food for me! As a small aside I am also LOVING the fact my kitty has made herself a duvet on the bed now it’s cold…she’s so smart :)

    B x

  • Cami

    I’m super excited to:
    1. Eat the acorn squash I picked up at the Farmer’s market
    2. Try out a new (dairy-free) caramel recipe
    3. Finish knitting my scarf (6 inches to go!)

  • Nicole

    I’m digging:
    1) Getting packed up for our moving adventure. Being closer to family is going to rock!
    2) Spending the weekend with my cuddle-bunny munchkin.
    3) My last week of work -next week- in my current job.

  • Melissa

    got two more weeks of recuperation after foot surgery, so I am looking forward to 1. a little more down time, 2. trying more vegetarian recipes, 3. organizing my closets. (doesn’t sound like “down time” to me.)

  • erosan

    1. My sauerkraut is ready! first time ever I’ve tasted/made sauerkraut, and while the smell is funky, the taste is good, so I’m happy with the results! (followed your recipe of course)

    2. I’m boiling some hibiscus flowers for a delicious cold “agua de jamaica”. Gotta love it.

    3. I cooked tofu for the first time yesterday and it came out great.

    So yeah… @Squiggle, you are not alone. It’s all about the food for me too!

  • Laura Louise

    I’m really excited about:
    1. Seitan! I tasted it for the first time today. It was weird at first but I loved it by the end of the meal.
    2. Mittens. Even the word is awesome! It’s getting cold here so I need to find a perfect pair.
    3. Christmas. Yes, already. It’s only three months away people, time to start preparing.

  • erosan

    4. I got my Illumination Positive cards today on the mail!! Wooohoo!!!

  • Hyla

    1. VegFest tomorrow…I talked my husband and kids (carnivors – bleh) into going with me this year!
    2. Teaching an Autumn Equinox Restorative Yoga class on Thursday, the Equinox.
    3. Celebrating the harvest season with gratitude for the abundance I have in my life. I am so blessed and love how the fall season reminds me of this.

  • Kate

    1. Planning my Barcelona trip with my best friend in the whole wide world
    2. All day cuddles
    3. CDs in the mail

    I HAVE noticed the nav changes – I think it looks good! PLEASE recap the pirate fest. I want to see a Pirate Waits….

  • Minna

    1. I’m really excited that I finally managed to find TASTY ripe avocadoes (it’s not as easy over here!)
    2. Super excited about planning the housewarming!
    3. Waiting for the sauerkraut to get ready :)

  • Melisa

    You mentioned your billions of beautiful houseplants. I’d love to see a future post (with photos!) about your favorite kinds and general houseplant care. I killed a Mother-in-Law’s Tongue once, which is supposedly impossible, but I LOVE houseplants, so such a tutorial (with photos!) would be really helpful. :)

  • Heather

    Excitement abound…love love reading everyone’s lists each week!!!!

    1. New love…I’m sending this intention out to the universe…I’ve never been more ready and I feel it’s heading my way.
    2. Cultivating my yoga practice…it’s time to make this a major presence in my daily life.
    3. Welcome autumn…I hate what you lead to – the white stuff…but oh how I love thee…

  • windycityvegan

    Excited about…
    1. My daughter’s amazing progress in the parent/child yoga class we’re taking (it rounds out our nightly mini-routine) – it’s amazing how strong she is.
    2. Beginning to make this year’s holiday gifts – I’ve just finished researching the last of the techniques I’ll need and cataloguing patterns.
    3. I cannot wait until it’s cool enough to wear inky black tights and boots (not necessarily together) with the gazillion skirts I just unpacked for the cooler months.

  • Sayward

    @ Tenise Rae – Link us to your Etsy when you get it up and going!

    @ Janine – Aw, I love this question because it made me dig into my archives. =) When I originally conceived of BA, the very first thing I did was sit down and write a ‘business plan’, Here’s what I wrote :

    Mission Statement: To build a community by offering both information and inspiration, in a positive, encouraging, and inclusive environment.

    My Pledge: To engage in thorough research so as to ensure the information presented is always accurate, current, and unbiased. I will hold my integrity above all else, without being swayed or influenced by sponsors/advertisers.

    Yup, that hasn’t changed at all! =D

    @ Squiggle – Good luck with the cleanse! Let me know how it goes!

    @ Cami – Caramel NOM NOM

    @ Nicole – Ooh good luck on the move! Very exciting!

    @ Melissa – Well take it easy, and try to get down with the ‘down time’

    @ erosan – Yay for fermented goodness! SO glad it worked for you! And give that baby belly a good little rub for me. =)

    @ Laura Louise – Ooh, seitan is a fun one. it’s super versatile – have fun exploring it!

    @ Hyla – Great running into you at VegFest! Sorry if I was too wired out on sugar to be very coherent, haha. Also I’m shy! But seriously, I’m so glad you said hi and it was great to meat you. SO what did your family think??

    @ Kate – Barcelona = omg so rad, have so much fun! And pirare Waits will be coming to the next FFF. =)

    @ Minna – I could not live without Avo’s, so hooray for that! And I too can’t wait for your sauerkraut – I want to know how it turns out!

    @ Melisa – Yes! I used to be a houseplant serial killer but I stuck with it and now I can mostly keep them thriving. I do have some posts planned for winter, about keeping your inner farmer alive with houseplants! Coming soon . . .

    @ Heather – Me too! Love the love lists! Your list is wonderful – blessings on all of it!

    @ windycityvegan – yes yes yes on fall fashion BRING IT ON!!

  • HeatherG

    I know you can’t respond to all of us all the time…but it does make me smile and feel special when you do!! :-) Here’s to a great week all!

  • Kelly H.

    I ate my way through VegFest too and returned to Seattle with loads of goodies. Man-oh-man was I stuffed. I felt loopy and out-of-body- like by the time I made it to the ThoraThinks booth, but I did buy ‘Garlic-Onion-Beet-Spinach-Mango-Carrot-Grapefruit-Juice’ from Nathalie and now I want a Thora Doll! I am also oddly intrigued by the thought of trying this combination in a smoothie/juicer. :o) What a charmingly, silly and sweet and fun book! She signed it for my little Nephew.:o)

    For those of you in Portland, you should definitely make it up here for the Seattle VegFest next year!

  • Donna Mae

    It was a beautiful BEAUTIFUL weekend!

    1) Being what I call a “new” family…just kids and I…we are trying new traditions. It makes holidays fun to do what WE want.
    2) LOVE shopping, cooking and smelling a new meal and then sitting down to enjoy it with my family.
    3) My ME time gardening or taking a bath.

  • Sayward

    @ HeatherG – Hope you had a great week too!

    @ Kelly H. – I want a Thora doll SO BAD! Totally saving up for one. =) And also hoping to get to Seattles VegFest! What month is it?

    @ Donna Mae – Glad it was such a great weekend!