Sunday at the Portland Art Museum, pausing so Waits could steal a snack.
Oi there! Firstly and foremostly I want to extend an enormous THANK YOU to Carolyn C, for dropping a sweet little something in my tip jar over there . –> Thanks so much lady, I appreciate it more than you know, and it really helps motivate me to keep on keepin’ on with this crazy project!
And now, hooray for the weekend! It’s summer, it’s pride month, and we’re coming up on the very longest day of the year (happy solstice!). And of course here on Bonzai it’s time for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions.
So here’s my main question of the week: What do you want to do for a Monday Monthly Mission? Lend me your thoughts my friends! Any ideas? Inspiration? And in general what do you want to see more of here on Bonzai Aphrodite?
Okay, here’s something silly and awesome. So I’ve been super nostalgic ever since Waits was born, remembering and reliving my own wee youth (I have a theory about how falling in love with your child is also falling in love with your own childhood self, and allows all sorts of crazy layers of life lessons and self love and on and on, but I digress). So I’m an 80s kid and grew up on Raffi – anyone out there know what I’m talking about? Can I get a ‘Baby Beluga’?! w00t w00t! So anyway, I still remember the name of my very favorite song, ‘Joshua Giraffe’. I decided to look it up for kicks, and whattaya know, someone made a silly little video and put it up on youtube. I gave it a listen and was cracking up – you guys it’s TOTALLY ABOUT ANIMAL LIBERATION. ahahahaha! I was a 5-year-old animal rights radical! =D
Check it out:
As usual, the Feedback Forum will remain here at the top of the page all weekend, so if you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, you can stop back by any time. This is your community, so get involved and have your say!
Have a radical weekend!
- Alternative Housewife
- allison
- Courtney
Jenny B.
- school grants