MMM10 Round-Up: Saving Change

February 25th, 2010 - filed under: Furthermore » Monday Monthly Mission


So, did you start a piggy bank??? Back at the beginning of the month I asked you to start collecting your spare change and setting it aside. I didn’t tell you why, but asked that you just trust me. Easy enough, right?

So did you save? I did! Aside from continually emptying my coin purse for the homeless fellow who hangs out near my hospital (I go twice a week these days), I meticulously collected each and every coin from both me and Damian, each night. And I managed to secure over $35! That’s pretty good for one month, no? If I could keep it up, that would be over $420 each year!!!

So what’s this all about? What to do with the scrilla we’ve scrimped?

Well, have you ever thought to yourself, “I would really love to volunteer for that charity, but I just never have enough time!” Or maybe, “I meant to go to that rally but I had to work that day.” Or something else along those lines . . . we all wish we could be doing more. I know I certainly do. But we push our best intentions aside as we resign to live with that prick of guilt that tickles us every once in a while.

Well no more! Now you can do something. In fact, you already did: you raised money for charity! That’s right, this month we all raised money for our favorite charity. All that’s left is to donate it. Voilà! You made a difference!

Consider it passive activism. Each month you keep on saving your change. Then monthly, or biannually – or whatever works for you – you cash it in and give it to your favorite cause.

All of us, together. Hundreds of dollars apiece. Thousands and thousands of dollars each year. Now THAT, my friends, is a good chunk of change!

I’m making my first donation to an animal sanctuary (haha, surprise surprise, right?) So what about you?

  • Squiggle

    Ah Sayward, we do love you so! My £28.60 (I went for putting everything under a £1 coin in my box) will be going to NAT – National Aids Trust, here in wet and rainy England!

    I love surprises!

  • Anastasia

    Aw, what a great idea. I’ve never thought about taking all that change and using it for something other than a vending machine every once in awhile.

    I have about $20 in change at the moment and think I will donate it to our local animal shelter.

  • Valerie

    I was only able to raise $14.04 Because we don’t generate much change. However, I recently deposited $59 in saved up change from a few years.

    My husband and I have been saving change since we started dating 5 1/2 years ago, but have never been able to decide what to spend it on. We recently discovered this invention:

    I think we’ll spend our change on it. Our goal is to donate enough money for one life saver bottle per year. Thanks so much for the idea to use our change toward a charity!

  • Kathryn

    I haven’t gotten around to counting it all, but all the change I have from tips/purchases I’m going to roll soon, exchange for cash, and deposit in my bank account. We donate regularly to some of the homeless shelters and food banks as a family so my tips from work are all going straight into my college fund for now!

  • Courtney

    I didn’t count it since it went into my already started change banks. But the Rice Bowl ( is quite full and heavy. I even started putting aside for this year’s. I’m looking forward to bringing it to church next Sunday.

  • Sayward

    Awesome job guys! And GREAT charities. Congratulations on doing your part to make the world better! We’re doin’ it!!!