So, did you start a piggy bank??? Back at the beginning of the month I asked you to start collecting your spare change and setting it aside. I didn’t tell you why, but asked that you just trust me. Easy enough, right?
So did you save? I did! Aside from continually emptying my coin purse for the homeless fellow who hangs out near my hospital (I go twice a week these days), I meticulously collected each and every coin from both me and Damian, each night. And I managed to secure over $35! That’s pretty good for one month, no? If I could keep it up, that would be over $420 each year!!!
So what’s this all about? What to do with the scrilla we’ve scrimped?
Well, have you ever thought to yourself, “I would really love to volunteer for that charity, but I just never have enough time!” Or maybe, “I meant to go to that rally but I had to work that day.” Or something else along those lines . . . we all wish we could be doing more. I know I certainly do. But we push our best intentions aside as we resign to live with that prick of guilt that tickles us every once in a while.
Well no more! Now you can do something. In fact, you already did: you raised money for charity! That’s right, this month we all raised money for our favorite charity. All that’s left is to donate it. Voilà! You made a difference!
Consider it passive activism. Each month you keep on saving your change. Then monthly, or biannually – or whatever works for you – you cash it in and give it to your favorite cause.
All of us, together. Hundreds of dollars apiece. Thousands and thousands of dollars each year. Now THAT, my friends, is a good chunk of change!
I’m making my first donation to an animal sanctuary (haha, surprise surprise, right?) So what about you?
- Anastasia
- Valerie
- Kathryn
- Courtney