Update: MMM #6 and MMM #7

October 29th, 2009 - filed under: Furthermore » Monday Monthly Mission


Remember MMM #6, where we aimed at reducing the plastic portion of our groceries? Well, I didn’t quite feel like I nailed it, so I had another go at it this month. Check out the difference!

Last Month:

And This Month:

Not bad, right?! And the best part is, I think this is totally doable. I think I could maybe even improve it. So, success! Woo-hoo!

So what about you guys? Did any of you track your plastic again this month? And how did you do?


For this month’s mission we went No-Poo! But this is also a long-term sort of mission, and many readers didn’t join in until after I wrote the follow-up article half way into the month.

For that reason, I’ve decided to extend the No-Poo mission another month. Thus, we won’t have a November mission, except to continue no-pooing and working on getting harsh chemicals out of our bathrooms!

So keep it up guys, and keep in touch. Let me know if it’s working or if you’re having issues. And don’t hesitate to ask questions!

  • Staar

    On the note of working to get harsh chemicals out of our bathrooms I wondering what do you use for your facial regime? I am still using nivea facial moisturizer(gasp) which I no is a chemical cocktail but I haven’t been able to find an organic chemical free moisturizer that isn’t below $24.00. Also it seems as if the majority of the moisturizers are formulated for aging skin or dry skin neither of which I have. Any help would be greatly appreciated in this area. Have a great weekend!

  • Staar

    lol ..I mean’t to say * I know ….

  • Adam

    I went no poo the day I read your first article. It was pretty weird at first. Different, but I like trying new things. I was already shampooing and conditioning my hair 3 to 4 times a week. The first 2 weeks my hair went through a pretty bad oily phase, but it’s starting to balance out. I’ve started to wash my hair more frequently, but with a less baking soda and vinegar. The apple cider vinegar takes getting used to, but it’s really not that bad.

    I’ve noticed an intial busrt in growth, maybe 50% more than a normal month. My hair has also been more managable. My hair is really thick and has always had a mind of its own, but the last couple of weeks it has been cooperating quite well. It’s also started to curl naturally.

    I love your blog and it has been the source of lots of personal inspiration. Thank you.

  • Meghan

    Hahaha, I saw the “MMM #7″ part and was like.. “NO!!! I’M NOT READY YET!!!!” :-) Tomorrow I’ll be no-poo for two weeks. I’ve been “washing” my hair just Saturday and Wednesdays and so far its going great!

  • Nathan

    I’m rocking the Sevalas ‘do, myself, but I still feel very strongly that you need another name. No-poo… sounds like you need to see a doctor or change your diet. Certainly sparks no association with luscious, healthy hair.

  • Kate

    I JUST had my first BS + ACV shower. No-poo here we come!

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward

    Staar – I am in the midst of testing a number of moisturizers, but my favorite so far is definitely the Sea Moss Moisturizer by Alba. It works great, it’s reasonable priced, and it’s vegan and natural!

    @ Adam – Wow that’s a lot of growth! That’s crazy! (but I’m not surprised). I’m glad you’re having success no-pooing. I’m excited to hear everyone’s results at the end of November.

    And thanks for the kind words. =) I’m so glad you’re enjoying the site!

    @ Meghan – Exactly! I think it just wasn’t enough time. I’m glad others agree with me. =)

    @ Nathan – Haha, I know it’s not so glamorous, but I kind of like it it. I think it’s funny (but I have the humor level of a 4 year old, so . . . )

    @ Kate – Yay! Good luck!

  • http://sjworst.blogspot.com Jessica

    Now, I’m fascinated with this whole idea and I would like to try it. While I only use natural shampoos now, I’m scared to give them up since I’m taking a prenatal water aerobics class and the chlorine is so damaging to my hair. Will the baking soda and vinegar do the trick for that? I can’t stand the smell of chlorine on my hair.

  • http://bonzaiaphrodite.com Sayward

    @ Jessica – How often do you take the water class? If it’s just once or twice a week, you could make sure those are your ‘washing’ days (once a week is ideal but two is okay). I imagine that baking soda would do a great job or removing chlorine smell, since it’s such an awesome deodorizer. I say at least you should give it a try!

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