Oi Oi! Hello there my dears! Firstly and foremostly, I want to extend a HUGE thanks and shout-out to Meghan, who was kind enough to hit that tip jar over on the right. Thanks so much lady! I love seeing you here and on LJ, and it means so much to me to have your support. So thank you!!!
And of course you know what the weekend means for us here – it’s time for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions.
So let it out! Sharing is caring! I want to know what’s on your mind, what’s making you tick, what’s suiting your fancy and what’s ticking you off. What cool events are going on in your town? What do you wish would happen? What are YOU interested in?!
As usual, the Feedback Forum will remain here at the top of the page all weekend, so if you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, you can stop back by any time. This is your community, so get involved and have your say!
And in more personal news, I added some ultrasound and midwife visit pictures, here, for whoever may be interested. It’s all current as of now, and I’ll be updating every few weeks as well. And stay tuned for the Pregnancy FAQ next week!
And your final October reminders, it’s your last chance to cash in on National Co-Op Month, and National Fair Trade Month, and it’s also Vegan MoFo (that’s Vegan Month of Food). How about getting involved!?
Okay, that’s all for now. Have the most wonderful weekend!!!
http://flightsofthevalkyrie.blogspot.com/ Valerie
http://sara-and-company.tumblr.com Sara
Tenise Rae
http://salekdarling.livejournal.com/ Salekdarling
http://sara-and-company.tumblr.com/ Sara