The Friday Feedback Forum

August 29th, 2009 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback

Oi there, Happy weekend!!! That means it’s time to relax, and it’s time once again for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions.

So, what’s tickling your noodle? What has inspired you lately? What’s one new thing you want to try this month? I want to know what’s exciting you guys, what YOU’re interested in!

We’re working on building a community here, and every voice counts. Every weekend the Feedback Forum remains at the top of the page, so you can have your say whenever you feel like it. If you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, come back here to have your say!

And don’t forget, this Monday is the final day of this month’s MMM, so make sure you stick with it and see it all the way through.

In the meantime, have a fantabulous weekend!


  • Jackie

    Any suggestions for a natural deodorant that really works? I’ve tried Jason, Nature’s Gate Organics, and Kiss My Face, with disappointing results…(I’m not quite ready to make my own yet.)

  • tom

    just wanted to say thanks for the blog. i’ve found it to be a great resource and terrific inspiration. many thanks.

  • Hils

    First of all, I love this blog, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I check it several times a day.

    Any possibility of an article on winter indoor gardening? My boyfriend and I are moving into an apartment with a solarium soon, and I’d love to use it for a container garden, but I’m not sure what would grow best.

    Also, do you have any recipes/ideas for natural, homemade pet shampoo? If so I’d love if you could post it :D Thank you!

  •!) Katie Englert

    Hi Sayward, I’ve been thinking about trying to eat more raw foods and you were the first person I thought of, so I’ll be visiting your site regularly in the upcoming days to get ideas, tips, etc. Your site looks great by the way, thanks for being out there for people like me to turn to! It’s very much appreciated…(and CONGRATS by the way :) )

  • Meghan

    Soo… sometime a while back someone asked something about mildew in the tub or something and you had an answer that had something to do with Borax I think, but I tried sifting through the comments of various cleaning posts, and I can’t find it. :-( Any clue what I’m talking about?

    @ Jackie

    I’ve tried sooooo many natural deodorants and couldn’t find one that worked until I tried Lush’s Aromarant, and at least for me, it works great. It seems a little expensive, but my husband and I have been sharing the same hunk since May, and I’m sure its going to last several more months.

  • Sayward

    @ Jackie – The best deodorant I’ve ever used is the one I made myself. That’s the honest truth!

    But as for non-homemade varieties, Toms of Maine gave me a horrible rash, but I had good luck with the Trader Joe’s brand. I’ve also heard great things about Lush – as Meghan said. Have you tried a crystal yet? I never have, but I know some people swear by them. Good luck!

    @ tom – Thanks! And thanks for the comment, I hope to see you around here some more. =)

    @ Hils – Thank you! And I love your idea, I have some strange plans for some indoor Winter projects. I’ll definitely figure out a post (or many) on indoor gardening. Great idea, thanks!

    For puppy shampoo I would use a solution of 1 part castile soap to 1 part water, shaken to mix well. Maybe a few drops of essential oil for scent (if the pooch won’t mind). Castile soap is gentle and awesome – I use it for everything!

    @ Katie Englert – Aw thanks Lady, how have you been? I think that’s awesome you’re wanting to incorporate more raw foods. I’ve been sending a big bag of carrot sticks in Damian’s lunch and he says he’s totally noticed a difference, just adding that raw component to his lunch every day. I think the best way to add raw foods is to stock up on condiments! Apples with nut butters are great (and was my staple break food at work – Limbo has the BEST apples in fall/winter). Raw veggies are so much more palatable with the right dip! I like carrots, broccoli florets, celery, bell peppers, snow peas, etc, dipped in goddess dressing or the TJ’s thai peanut dressing or hummus or the sesame soy ginger dressing or even just soy sauce with wasabi! Tomatoes and cucumbers and avocados are great thick-sliced and sprinkles with olive oil and vinegar, sea salt and cracked pepper, maybe some basil. Mmmm.

    Point is, the recipes I have on this site are great, but you don’t have to get super fancy to eat more raw foods. It takes some getting used to, but once you’ve got the taste and feeling for it, it’s so easy. Luck!

    @ Meghan – There are a bunch of ways to combat mol and mildew! I’d start easy with just straight white vinegar and see how that goes. If it’s not enough, you can make a scrub by mixing castile soap and borax (a natural anti-fungal) to make a thick paste. Scrub it in, let it sit for a bit, and then scrub it off. That should definitely work. =)