The Friday Feedback Forum

July 11th, 2009 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback

Oi there, and happiest of Fridays! It’s the end of another week, and once again it’s time for comments, critiques, thoughts, support, and suggestions.

So share your thoughts and dreams! What’s been on your mind this week? Which section of the site do you read the most? What would you like to see expanded? (the food? the fashion? the farm?) What do YOU guys want?

Every weekend the Feedback Forum hangs out here at the top of the page, so you can check back whenever you please. If you’ve got an idea or a question or you just want to introduce yourself and say ‘Oi!’, this is the place to do it!

This weekend, eat sweet things, tell someone how sweet they are, and do something sweet for YOU!


  • Dylan

    Hey word, whaddya say? Thinking about this I think that your philosophy should be the foundation upon what your site is based. If you have a main section it should be devoted to promoting your beliefs/ideals. Not as in vegan is the only good way and carnivores are bad and etc. but like, hey I’m a vegan and this is great!, which seems to be your style and why I, and it seems many others, are gravitating to your page.

    I just finished watching a public TV broadcast of a Portland city commission hearing about a new 5-15 year economic development proposal before the commission. The plan focuses on creating jobs, and four concentrated sectors of the Portland business community: Active wear (Nike, Adidas, Columbia etc,), advanced manufacturing, software (Intel, etc.), and the green industry! (lesser known but still world leaders in green energy, construction, transportation etc.). Mayor Adams and the PDC apparently played major roles in bringing this plan to fruition.

    I bring this up because one of the last people to speak was in favor of the program (as were nearly everyone else) but asked that a more holistic approach be considered and said that they were particularly thinking of farms and food as needing to be included as part of the ‘focus’. So I pass that along to you as my feedback re: what would I like to see expanded.

    The fashion is cool, but as a man I have to wonder how cool is the husband with you showing off your physical appeal so gratuitously? I mean I know I am of an older generation and he may be totally politically correct about letting you express your goddess, but I bet somewhere he is worried. I’m just saying.

  • Maureen Thomson

    Yesterday, I picked up all the ingredients to make your homemade laundry detergent. I can’t wait to try it. Thanks for the “recipe”!

  • akeeyu

    I had another suggestion regarding the elimination of paper towels: If your area has a diaper service, call and ask if they resell their worn out diapers as cleaning rags.

    The quick absorbency of a well worn (high quality–avoid the widely available Gerbers)cloth diaper puts both paper products and fancy synthetic chamois products to shame.

  • Sayward

    @ Dylan – Thanks for the feedback! That’s interesting about the city commission; I should look into that.

    It does seem the farm is what most people want. =)

    And thanks for the concern about Damian, but I assure you he’s fine with my fashion posts. Who do you think my photographer is!? =D

    @ Maureen Thompson – Good luck! Hope it works for you!

    @ akeeyu – That’s a great idea, and much more sustainable ethan buying brand new cloth towels. Thanks for the tip!

  • Staar

    I guess this is along the lines of what I’d like to see. Would it be possible for you to put together an article about earth friendly cosmetics. This is something I’ve always struggle with. I absolutely love doing makeup but I’m a “starving student” and shelling out the amount that cosmetic retailers want for organic makeup is way out of my budget. Anyway ya that would be awesome if you could write something on that topic. I also want to add that I absolutely love your blog. Keep up the good work!

  • Sayward

    @ Staar – Thanks lady! I’m planning to do a series of reviews on eco-friendly cosmetics, much like my recent lotion review. It takes a while to work through all those products, so these will be coming out over the course of the next year. But they’re coming, I promise! =)