Sleep, school, work, pick up the kid, make dinner, take a bath, take a hike, ride a bike, drinks with friends, tidy up, fix our lunches, fix the leaky faucet . . . repeat, repeat, repeat. I used to think that this phase of life sounded so, well, tedious! But now that I’m in the thick of it, I just keep looking around and thinking — yes.
I’m starting to reflect on what my thirties will mean in the greater scope of my life. If my twenties were all about pushing boundaries and chasing experiences, then I think my 30s will be about building and strengthening and settling into my power. My family, my career, my friendships, my activism. It all seems to be falling so beautifully into place, in a way that I kind of never thought it would. Strange, that.
Anyway, here’s what it all looked like, this week:
And now, it’s time for the one, the only, Le Love List!
Pu erh tea. // Bringing buckets and buckets of nasturtiums into the office, for everyone’s desk. // Salty peanuts (the Trader Joe’s ones are soooo deliciously salty!) // Science podcasts for kids, which we now listen to every day on the way to school. // Willie Nelson just released a brand new album, and it is so good! // Sunday morning snuggles. // Friends who also work at UCSB, and meeting up for lunch and lunchtime walks along the lagoon. // Making my office and work space feel more like my own. // Budgeting and saving money. // Attending a meeting with the superintendent of the SB school district. Getting involved feels so dang good. // Gardening the stress away. // We were going to a restaurant for a friend’s birthday and as we were leaving, Waits stooped down in the garden. “Ooh! Mint! Let’s bring some mint to garnish our food!” Honestly I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff, but I think it’s hysterical. He picked two leaves of mint and brought them to the restaurant, plunked one in his lemonade, and tore up the other one to sprinkle over the plate. You do you, kid! Always do you.
Alright guys, now it’s your turn! I really love reading your own Le Love Lists, so please leave them down in the comments below. What are the little things in your life that make you smile this week?
Happy new week, and I hope that it’s a wonderful one!
Rebecca Carnes
- Katrina
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
- Jennifer
Annelise Seifer
- Lindsey P
Rebecca Carnes