Huzzah! A good week. A great week. Our very first week without Five & 1/4 meant no running around on Wednesday afternoon shopping for ingredients, no staying up late that night cooking and prepping, no babysitter for Waits on the weekend! It meant date night with my Honey on Thursday, and it meant Friday night — Waits’s birthday — spent with the family, eating pizza and playing with newly opened presents.
A really, really refreshing change of pace this week. My baby’s birthday! Yes yes, a good week indeed. Here’s what it all looked like:
(also, mint & leeks & strawberries, yay!)
And now, it’s time for the one, the only, Le Love List!
Waits is still in this battle with poison oak (he’s losing), so I plunked him down in an oatmeal bath and insisted he stay there for a good long while. Watched him splash in the warm milky water, wearing his blue swim goggles, with me peeling orange after orange after orange for us to eat. We probably went through ten of them, just hanging out there in the bathroom, soaking and eating citrus and shooting the breeze. It was a perfectly sweet and strange mothering moment, and it meant a lot to me. ♥ // Friends who text to see if you want to walk to the #BlackLivesMatter vigil together. // Working on a science fair project with Waits. // Herb-tasting garden walks with my second graders. // Steven Universe marathons. // Gluten-free vegan lemon cupcakes. // Elderberry tincture. // Waits offering some of our groceries to a homeless man in front of Trader Joe’s. “It just makes me feel so sad for him, mom”. // Still feeling all the feelings from everything I wrote about in this post. We have been listening to Matt Pond around the house this week, and I just keep getting that flood of emotion and disbelief. Was that real? Did that actually happen? Matt Pond sung Starlet just for me and Jeremy . . . how is that actual life??? But it is, and it’s a reminder of why I choose to live my life the way I do, big and bold and brave and bordering on madness. It’s exhausting and it’s messy and it can be so scary, but man – it’s never boring!
Alright guys, now it’s your turn! I really love reading your own Le Love Lists, so please leave them down in the comments below. What are the little things in your life that make you smile this week?
Happy Sunday, I hope you have a most wonderful week!
Sarah C.
Sarah C.
- Courtney
- Sayward Rebhal
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- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
Sarah C.