So I’m not going to lie, this week got the better of me, a bit. This new temp job I’ve taken on is really great, and it feels very professional and grown-up and it’s so different from how I’ve been living my life for the past few years . . . well who am I kidding, for forever! And the truth is this: I like it! I like working a 9-5 office job. Believe me, nobody is more shocked about that than I am.
But it’s true. I’m going to bed earlier so that I can have an easy morning routine, and I’m putting on un-ripped jeans and wedge heels and sweaters (not sweatshirts) and making sure my hair looks nice and packing an office lunch and having 9am coffee time with my coworkers. GUYS IT’S WEIRD. It’s just so very different from this creative type/self-employed/freelancer/hustler kind of life I’ve been living for so long. And it’s actually really, really nice.
Anyway, that combined with my school garden commitments is keeping me really, really busy. I have SO many blog posts planned out, but man, this week I just kept falling asleep instead of writing. Ha!
So things will have to wait. For now, here’s what the waking hours looked like:
And now, it’s time for the one, the only, Le Love List!
Jeremy texting me photos of Waits helping him cook dinner (pan-seared quinoa cakes with cheeze, oven-baked yam fries, sautéed spinach), while I’m at my monthly SURJ meeting. // MY MONTHLY SURJ MEETING. // Wisteria blooming all along the side of the freeway. // Quote of the week: “fist bump the Singha”. // Cold tom kah for breakfast. // Coming home on a random Monday to find a sweet note and a small vase of nasturtiums from the garden, left for me by my honey. // Vegan Street Fair is ONE WEEK from today! // Watching Waits get creative when I refuse to entertain him (he constructed a “mechanical monster” from random toy parts and scotch tape. // Making calls to congress on my lunch break. Why do I have so much emotion and anxiety that comes up when I make these calls? My voice shakes and I can barely get the words out. Still, my voice is heard, and that’s what matters. // Watching John Oliver with my man. // This week, I’m noticing how the seemingly disjointed pieces of my life will, given enough time, always find a way to converge in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. Sometimes I feel like I’m living 4 or 5 parallel lives — in one life I’m a vegan blogger and a healthy living coach, and in another life I own a wine bar and I’m in the booze business. In another life I’m an academic, a science educator. In another I’m a witch, an herbalist, a garden teacher, a social justice activist. I wear many hats and often it feels like my hats don’t really mesh together (“dichotomy” is a word I often use to describe myself). But then every once and a while something happens, and suddenly these seemingly disparate sides of myself are merging. They’re intersecting in a way that actually ends up strengthening each of them.
And man, that’s powerful.
Alright guys, now it’s your turn! I really love reading your own Le Love Lists, so please leave them down in the comments below. What are the little things in your life that make you smile this week?
Happy Sunday, I hope you have a most wonderful week!
- Angie
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
Rebecca Carnes
- Sayward Rebhal
Rebecca Carnes