So I went to this incredible Vegan Media conference, and met all sorts of amazing, motivating movers and shakers, and connected with so many exciting brands and bloggers, and saw so many inspiring talks and panels, and came away with all this enthusiasm!
And then, I got home, and whattaya know, I’ve barely blogged at all since I’ve been back. What’s up with that?
I couldn’t tell you. I do know that I have a lot going on in my personal life right now — coming back right in time for finals and all that grading to do, still trying to figure out if I should exit with a Masters or stay on to get a PhD, still trying to figure out what I’m going to do for work and how I’m ever going to make it in this crazy expensive town, and caught up in so much serious Adulting-type business, with my Portland house switching tenants and also needing major repairs, and trying to do all that from afar. And also eviction. Here in our little side-by-side dream cottages, Jeremy and I still wait every day for the 60-day notice that we know is coming, sometime soon.
So yeah, I have a lot of anxiety and angst and inner turmoil going on right now, all of these big decisions and trying to figure out how to like, do Life.
Anyway, I wanted to acknowledge that, and let you know that I have about a bazillion and one blog posts boiling in the back of my mind – as always. I just haven’t had as much time or energy to devote lately. And hopefully that will change soon! Things are sorting and settling already . . . mostly.
Okay, so with that said, let’s talk about Austin and VVC! We got in on Tuesday night, so I got to spend my first few days just bumming around enjoying the city. I still had lots of work to do on my presentation, which meant mornings and nights eating out and exploring Austin, with daytime for working. Plus, I had so much fun just hanging with the ladyblogger crew back at the Tiny Trailer we were all sharing!

And then it was time! For the first official day of Vida Vegan Con III, and the first ever Vegan Bazaar – an afternoon of food and drinks, speakers and panels, samples and socializing, and a whole big ballroom full of awesome vegan businesses hawking their wares!

As a whole, the Bazaar was such a fun afternoon. If you’re interested, Jason made a pretty cool video (even interviewed me for a quick sec!) which shows a lot more of the event:
After all the excitement of the day, the event was winding down, and we were ready for a real meal. We hightailed it over to Counter Culture for some good grub and great company.

And that, was that. Coming soon, the conference!
And until then — have a great weekend!
Nicole @ Vegan Nom Noms
- theveganchickpea
Rachel in Veganland
- Joni Marie Ressinger Newman
d. moth
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
d. moth
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
- Sayward Rebhal
Rebecca Carnes