Pictures Of Things + Le Love List

February 5th, 2015 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback

green juice for two

Green juice for two. ♥ Cucumber, celery, burdock root, dandelion greens, apple, fennel, lemon, & mint.

Hello hello, and welcome to another end of another week. Was yours as wacky and wild as mine? Man . . . intense!

First things first, thank you so much to everyone who voted in the poll last week (and it’s not too late). I have to say, the results were sort of surprising to me!

The number one highest answer was “Nailing It” (d’aww, thanks guys! Yay!), and after that it was a tie between WIAW and “More Personal Stuff”, which is really what surprised me. Personal stuff? I’ve always had it in my head that readers want something of “value”, like tutorials or research-driven informative posts. But surprisingly, those categories were some of the lowest rankings. And I don’t know, maybe that shouldn’t be such a surprise to me, since the blogs that *I* most enjoy are always just interesting, well-presented lifestyle blogs.

So alright. It’s sort of hard for me accept that you guys actually want to read about my weirdo little life . . . but alright! More of that, then.

The next highest ranking was a three-way tie: vegan parenting, recipes, and Pictures Of Things + Le Love List. Vegan parenting was another surprise, and I’ve always sort of worried about over-saturating on that topic. But that said, it’s definitely the thing I get the most question/emails about, so I think I’ll include more posts about vegan parenting in the coming year (and you know, I’d love to write a follow up book to Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide! That’s always been a dream . . . )

Gardening posts were ranked nearly at the bottom, which was helpful for me to know. I’ll still probably include a few updates each year (because I love them so!), but I won’t make it a priority anymore. This is such useful information guys – so again, THANK YOU!

Alright, and now a few pics from the past few weeks. I’ve been go-go-going so there’s not very many, but oh well. My life these days:

little boy fairy

This little boy. Oh, this little boy! I told him that the very first of the jasmine was blooming, and he decided that he was a garden faerie. I love him.

homegrown fruit
Homegrown bananas from my godparent’s tree. Navel orange foraged from an alley by my house. Eat local.

rare seeds catalogue
My Rare Seeds catalogue from Baker Creek Seed Co! It’s amazing – so inspirational and making me so excited for spring! And you can get it for free by signing up here.

little boys pink car seats

Carpooling with friends, and oh the shenanigans. (Also, both of these little boys have pink car seats, because screw the gender-normative hegemony, amiright?!)

fixins for green juice
Juice fixin’s.

4 year old skateboarding
We’re learning together. ♥

skateboard little boy
I think it suits him. (Also, holy moly, this pic makes my hearts just BURST! Jeepers this kid . . . )


And now, our periodic practice of petite appreciations. With the one, the only, Le Love List!

Heart-to-hearts. // Job prospects. // When I overheard Waits ask Jeremy, “Why does my straw make bubbles in my milk when I blow?” and Jeremy, without skipping a beat, launched into a totally science-based explanation describing surface tension and how it relates to this little phenomenon. ♥ // Pop culture podcasts (speaking of which, I’m thinking of putting together a blog post on my favorite podcasts, but not sure anyone would be interested. Yes? No?). // Girl talks with new friends. // My students. I have a younger age group this quarter (like 19-20, mostly sophomores) and I’m realizing that I *really* enjoy working with this particular age range. They’re so young, and driven. It’s inspiring to be around so much potential. And this group just seems particularly sweet. ♥ // Skateboarding. I want to be skateboarding, like . . . all the time. // The Thai food I’m about to dig into. // My life right now, which is a weekly roller-coaster tilt-a-whirl rocket ride of up and down, high and low, stress and release, WORK and explode and relax and reload. It’s so good. Crazy, but I like things like that.

It’s so good.

Alright my dears, now it’s your turn! Please tell me what you’re loving lately, and leave your list in the comments below, so that everyone can read and share in all the love around us!

And I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

♥ ♥ ♥


Oh and PS! Just a friendly FYI – the incomparable Vegan Cuts is offering a specialty “Chocolate Lover’s Box” just in time for Valentines Day. You can make your V-Day extra special, by making it cruelty free! Check it out!


  • Tatiana

    Yes! Please do a post on your podcasts! I am always on the look for new ones. Thanks!
    P.S. Your blog is my favorite! :)

  • Jolana Bouchouia

    I would love to hear about your favorite podcasts.

  • Jennifer

    I love how you balance between personal stuff and information. But it funny, all blogs I follow are starting to do surveys and almost everyone asks for more “daily life” I guess readers love it!

  • Sara MM

    Yes and yes to a list of podcasts and to more information on raising tiny vegans. It’s nice to have as much vegan mama support as possible. Thank you for always giving everyone the chance to voice opinions on topics.

  • j.

    YES TO THE PODCASTS! I always wondered which ones you refer to when you talk about them. And if they’re vegan-themed, double yay!

    Happy weekend.

  • Lina

    Yes please to more posts about your daily life and vegan parenting! Alva is 9 months now and eating more and more foods. Are there any books/other resources on vegan (kiddo) nutrition you recommend? I would also love a follow up to Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide. Seriously! Oh, and you should totally write a post on how you manage to handle life’s ups and downs so gracefully. You always seem to stay positive and in the end everything does work out. I think I need a dose of the Sayward spirit. :)

  • Lina

    By the way, do you listen to Björk? Being so into science, I think you might really like her Biophilia album. (Well, all her works are brilliant.) Give it a listen!

  • wendy

    yes to a podcast post! please! :)

  • Anna

    I love the podcast blog post idea!

  • lysette

    Ha – I was going to say ‘Yes to a pod cast post’ but looks like the people have spoken :) so love list!
    *How snowy white my GSD’s muzzle is getting as she nears 11 years old -bittersweet but it did softly hit my heart this week.
    *Awesome zines I ordered from Pioneers Press and having the luxury of time to read them -in between forced breaks -mud, tiling, painting- on a bathroom reno I’m doing.
    *Hitting that zone where I feel like I could run forever.
    *Realizing that we’re halfway through to spring! More day light in the north!

  • Monika {windycityvegan}

    Well, since “discovering new podcasts” was already in my love list this week, I can’t wait to see your current list of faves! And I have the same seed catalog! Nina’s been circling everything she wants to order – which is pretty much the entire catalog.


    Last weekend I finally, grudgingly, reluctantly started watching Parenthood. Good stuff. // Nina’s in a black turtleneck phase, and OMGee is she freaking cute, in an awkward Sprockets-meets-Vicki Vale kind of way. // Getting called on in my toughest class and nailing it. // homemade bagel bombs(!) // giving in to my cookbook compulsion // swapping podcast recs with a colleague and not being disappointed // crossing things off my to-do list // the conversation/comment thread generated by this NYT article:

  • lleverman

    Well I personally love your personal stuff because it shows how you walk the talk. I am not vegan but you inspire me in many other ways; clean living, gardening, re-purposing, etc. I love grandchildren, my beloved animals (though one died in my arms this week), being retired, having enough to live on; not rich but I can live modestly.

  • Melissa Guffey

    Yes! The podcast list would be interesting…anything science-y?

  • Gem Wilder

    I came here to say yes please to a podcast post and it looks like everyone else has beaten me to it. I’m hooked on Invisibilia after you mentioned it on twitter. Podcasts are the best. I’m working my way through the Desert Island Discs archives.

  • Veronica

    Yes pretty please to a post about your favorite podcasts. I got hooked on Citizen Radio and Our Hen House on your recommendation and I’m like Oliver Twist: I want MORE!
    I love reading about your life– I voted for that and for more vegan-mama posts. Reading about your journey as a vegan parent is giving me the courage and confidence to plan for my own future as a vegan mama.

  • Rachel

    Yeah Podcasts (as has already been stated). Also, I totally feel you that it can be weird to talk about your own life, but I like reading your lifestyle posts because it is really great to know there are other people out there wearing my same brand of weird. I think the balance of posts now is great!

  • Sonja

    I would also love a podcast list because I’m always listening to podcasts on my commute to work. Loooove the pic of Waits in his faerie costume <3 My love list:
    - cold sunny winter days (like today)
    - cuddling
    - homemade granola
    - homemade snack bars
    - making travel plans with my teenage godson

  • Sarah C.

    First of all, I LOVE the gardening posts! I voted for “nailing it” and gardening posts are part of that for me. I borrowed your composting system and you’ve inspired me to prep my garden bed already–and that seed catalog oy! I followed the link and signed up for my own copy; I can’t wait!

    Second, as for fairies–my girl is totally into them right now too. Did you know (I learned this from her, who learned it from school friends) that if you leave old Halloween candy out at night the fairies will replace it with special notes or jars of rocks (my kid’s other major fave)? (Yes, we still have a bucket of old Halloween candy, since we don’t eat most of that crap but she loves dressing up and collecting it). We’ve been having lots of fun with these little “fairy gardens” lately.

    My love list for the week:
    - my hubs, who is not only doing a bang-up job of mostly solo parenting while I write on deadline, but is reading my chapters and really boosting my confidence with his feedback
    - the Afrobeat station on Pandora – on ALL the time while I write!
    - the smell of spring in the air (yes, it’s early Feb; yes, I live in the Southwest)
    - novels, and my plans to read them ALL when I’m done with my own writing deadline!

  • Cleo

    A podcast post would be wonderful! I am always on the lookout for new ones and I would love to hear your suggestions. Thank you, my dear!

  • Elizabeth

    Let me tell you something about your life: it’s amazing! Not just because your kid is adorable and your boyfriend is handsome and you live by the beach and passion fruits just happen to grow in your neighborhood, but because you really LIVE it. I love how dedicated you are to fostering all of your relationships, to working hard for the things you believe in, and to essentially making your own happiness. You are an inspiration!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you Elizabeth. This comment came at a time I really needed it, so thank you. ♥

  • reba

    yes to list of podcasts please!!

  • SarahP

    Your photo of bananas and and orange reminds me of Edward Weston’s “Still Life with Bananas and Orange!”