Pictures Of Things + Le Love List

January 9th, 2015 - filed under: Furthermore » Feedback


My friends sing karaoke while Waits plays with their vintage Transformers. That was a good night. ♥


So, I think at the end of my last quarter I said something like, “This will surely go down as the most difficult quarter in my graduate school career!”

Silly me. It begins again.

One week in. One wild, white-knuckle week. I’m teaching a 3-hour lab this quarter (twice weekly), which is intense to say the least. And at this point, a fear of public speaking is the *least* of my worries.

But I’m not complaining! No sir-ee, 2015 is the year of leaving “heavy” behind, and I welcome this new challenge with a panic attack a rougeish grin and a heart set for adventure. Huzzah!

And man, I haven’t done Pictures Of Things in a long time. Like, a LONG time. So here’s some of what we’ve been up to since then . . .

art on the kitchen floor

Glitter art on the kitchen floor.

in the news press
My man was in the local News Press! Sunday feature, even. ♥

picking vintageSasaki crystal

1. Speaking of Still, this is basically what I do with my “free time” these days: vintage treasure hunting (I’m not complaining!) // 2. Oh hello there, rare mid century Japanese crystal (and yes, I’m getting pretty good at it, if I do day so myself)

healthy vegan dog
This old man is looking pretty dapper with his grey whiskers, don’t you think? My dilapidated house on the other hand . . . yeesh (but I do so love them *both*)

life is good with green juice
♥ Green juice. Good life. ♥

mad hippie face cream
I think it’s a good sign when the company sends you a product to sample, and as soon as it’s gone you run out and buy a new one to replace it. I give Mad Hippie one two-dry-winter-skin thumbs up!

oil of oregano feet
Bugs, bugs, all around. When someone near us is sick, we rub homemade oil of oregano on our feet before bedtime. Tonight, after I finished rubbing it on Jeremy’s feet for the third night in a row, he begrudgingly admitted, “I feel silly saying this, but I think this stuff REALLY works.”

green smoothie popsicles
I know that it’s probably deep winter where you are, but it’s been in the 70s here, and that was the perfect excuse for me to try out my brand new stainless steel popsicle mold (yay for more ways to eliminate plastic!). “Green Monster” pops (oat milk, strawberries, spinach, agave, with zinc for immune boosting) sent as share snack for preschool.

kids love green popsicles
Needless to say, it was a success.

And of course ~

Day 5Day 6day 7Day 8

First day of school was beyond choatic and I only had time for a selfie in the biosci bathroom. // Dropping my vintage haul off at Still. // My first day running a lab! Splits in the prep room. // Dropping Waits off at preschool. That one hurt, but it really shows my progress!


And now it’s time for Le Love List, and oh how I’ve missed it so!

Vintage sheets. // When I get an email or a comment from a Bonzai reader and I follow their link and discover this totally amazing person who I would absolutely love to be friends with. You guys are the best. ♥ // Burgers and burgers and pizza. // A good night’s rest. // Snuggles from 4-year-olds. “Mama, can we get up now? … Wait no, let’s sleep a little more.” // Stretching. Splits-y stretching. // Vintage glassware. My gawd it’s gorgeous!! // Working on not sweating the small stuff. // My roses in bloom. // A little mid-winter yard work. // And on that note, ordering my seed catalogue and dreaming of spring! // Mostly, just really, really looking forward to 2015, the year I let go of “heavy” and embrace *free* and *fun*. I think we all take most things way too seriously – a lesson I learned, once again, this week – and I look forward to continuing to learn that lesson again and again until I can finally fully live it, this year.

And now, it’s your turn! Please tell me what you’re loving lately, and leave your list in the comments below. We all want to read them!

Alright, now I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

♥ ♥ ♥


  • Emily

    My love list: receiving as a gift the book Becoming Vegan and I’m already learning so much more and it’s so helpful with started to feed solids to my baby boy, greeting him when he wakes up and seeing his smile and excitement for the day, the fact that it’s almost the weekend, learning to embrace the moment and not sweating the small stuff, having fun taking a picture a day to hold onto a little moment in 2015, soy decaf latte on the way to work, thankful I have a job (even if it isn’t quite my passion…I’ll get there), holding onto dreams, forgiving a friend, facing each day with a grateful heart…

  • Rachel in Veganland

    Whew. I just got through week 1 of the grad grind myself. Already feeling the crunch even though I haven’t been to all of my classes yet! Always good to have a little solidarity there.
    Love list: nettle tea; feeling busy again so those moments when I’m not gleam so much brighter; tumeric, cayenne, ginger, citrus tonics served hot in the morning; citrus in general lately: loving it and using it in everything; food planning and prepping to keep my sanity; finally finding a tahini that I love to use; MISO!

    Good luck as things get even busier and underway! :)

  • Claudia

    I don’t know if you’ve implemented this (or had the time, busy lady!!) but when I was in dance we used to practice centre splits against the wall and it helped a lot. You lay down with your bum against the wall – your body shape should be a letter L. Let your legs fall away from one another and let gravity stretch out all those muscles. It works really well.

  • Rachel

    can I just say I LOVE your 2015 challenge?! super fun!!

    also, I taught labs in grad school and can totally relate. so hard but SO much fun. the hardest ones for me were the semester I taught an intro geology class, mostly to petroleum engineering majors (i.e. almost no one gave a shit), but the best part was when a few of the undeclared majors at the end of the semester told me they had decided to become geology majors! best feeling ever!!! :D

    finally, love the pic of Harley! much love for old dogs… ours is 11.5 :)

  • Bianca

    Oh I’m so jealous of your 70-degree weather!! It’s been unusually FREEZING in the south. 10 degrees yesterday. 20-something today. I’m dying. But those Green Monster pops sound so good!

  • Angie

    Blessings, invigoration and energy is being sent to you as your back to school! I don’t miss those days!
    My love list this week: the warmer weather! Fresh perspective. Airing of grievances. New opportunities on the horizons. Yoga every day this week. Getting back in a routine. The Desire Map. Guacamole. UpRising Yoga. Dead lifts. Understanding. Chamomile tea with a teaspoon of coconut oil.

  • lysette

    More adventure – less seriousness – happenstance run ins – piles of books – little watercolor kits – light coffee bright friends – big plans!
    Harley makes my heart pop :)

  • Sara MM

    Starting a gratitude journal and seeing my list grow longer and longer each day/slowing down to realize I have a lot of small things to be thankful for instead of taking them for granted, the smell of homemade hot chocolate in a snowflake mug cupped between two warm hands, realizing “that’ll do for today” is okay to say, friends I can reach out to with random comments that pop into my head, the sun and bright blue sky on cold winter days in NC.

  • Rebecca Carnes

    Love the pics! Especially the splits montage…you’re so close!! Lets see…my love list…..building P’s Vegan library! The holidays brought lots of fun vegan books for him:), Saying hello to the moon at night with Phoenyx-he’s so curious! And finding out one of my best friends is having her first little babe!!! So very excited for her to hop on the roller coaster ride of mamma-hood:):)

    P.s….I saw Mad Hippie at my grocery store I frequent….totally caught my eye! Since you love I may just have to give it a go!!

    Happy New Years!!!!!

  • Colleen

    Love those metal popsicle molds! Boo on plastic. And omg those legs! I love your legs!!! :)

  • Monika {windycityvegan}

    I love that your 2015 goal is to do the splits! And your idea of “leaving heavy behind,” too.

    It’s been awhile since I’ve jotted down a love list; where has the time gone?

    Ringing in the new year with my New Year’s baby, who managed to stay up until midnight (and then some) as she turned eight. Nina’s growing up SO fast, and I really like the person she’s becoming – she’s definitely her own person, and even when she’s being a bossy little pill she still has a biting sense of humor, and she’s just funny (and fun) as hell. // Nina’s new pajamas, which are pink+pink+giant Darth Vader head smack dab in the middle of the shirt. I’m hoping these put an end to her Nacho Libre outfits. // Being back in school. I did well on exams, which has totally inflated my ego in the short term . . . a good thing, because my work load this semester is out of control and it’s keeping me motivated! // My new Vitamix. She’s as magical as everyone told me she would be, and worth every penny. // Top Chef marathons that lasted until three in the morning with an out-of-town friend. // Top Chef marathons with Nina that end much earlier in the evening, but are more satisfying because boy, does that girl love to cook. // The Gruffalo! // Smoked maple bourbon. // The bracing cold that hit the South this week – because I know that in a few days we might be wearing shorts again. // Robin’s egg blue nail polish. // Finally seeing Only Lovers Left Alive, which exceeded my expectations. The Jarmuschification of this genre was fantastic!

  • Lindsay

    love the new years resolution and looking forward to your picture diary of the splits. ;) Love list: cuddling under the blankets on cold nights; full bodied IPAs in a stemless wine glass; time with family; new books and sneaking in reading time even when I should be doing homework; take out thai food and spring rolls with extra thai basil; clothes shopping with my little brother to prep for his new job; netflix documentaries; fresh ginger and carrot juice in the morning; poppyseed everything; fresh vanilla beans in my french press coffee & so much more

  • Sayward Rebhal

    What a great Love List! And yay for Becoming Vegan – it’s still my favorite “intro to vegan nutrition” book. Can’t beat the oldie/goodie!

    Happy weekend Emily!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Aww, grad school high five! Congrats on week one down. Now to tackle the rest of them!

    And thanks for the reminder on nettle tea. it’s been waaaay too long for me and I need to hit the Far Mar and pick some up tomorrow. ♥

    Good luck to you, too!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but that stretch is definitely on my list. Soon! Thanks for the reminder though – hopefully I’ll get a chance to give it a go this weekend.

    Have a good weekend, Claudia!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Thanks Rachel, I love it too! It’s been even more fun than I expected. =D

    And I know that feeling you’re talking about, when you feel like you really reach through to a student and spark something within them. That’s the best feeling. =)

    Happy weekend! Give your old poochie an extra rub from me!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Oof, that is COLD. I’m such a baby in weather like that. But I read your Facebook post about going running in the freezing anyways, so good for you for not letting it stop you!

    Have a great weekend lady!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Thank you so much Angie! And thank you for the beautiful Love List – it sounds like you’ve got a lot of loveliness right now. ♥

  • Sayward Rebhal

    YES! Great list, thanks Lysette! Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Such a great reminder Sara. Not taking things for granted is something I’ve really been trying to be mindful of lately – especially when it comes to people. SO important to remember that the little things that amazed you once upon a time are *still* amazing, even long after you’ve gotten used to them …

    Anyway. I feel you there! Happy weekend!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Yeah, I can’t believe how close I’m getting already!

    What vegan books have you gotten for Phoenyx?I’m looking for more to add to our library as well . . .

    Happy weekend, supermama!

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Haha, thanks Colleen. They may photograph well but they sure are a pain to dress ;-D

  • Sayward Rebhal

    Where has the time gone, indeed?! The end of 2014 just FLEW by, my gawd.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINA! Sounds like she is continue to lead the way in the Awesome Kiddo Parade. ♥

    I’m so happy to hear that law school is going well for you. I’m not at all surprised of course, but I know how scary it is to re-enter an academic setting, and I’m glad you’ve jumped in with relative success. Proud of you, mama!

    Hope you have an awesome weekend. When does seedling season begin where you are?

  • Sayward Rebhal

    OMG fresh vanilla beans in the french press sounds incredible! Do you use a whole bean every day? How does one do such a thing?? Do tell!

    Thanks for sharing your Love List Lindsay. Have a great weekend!

  • Monika {windycityvegan}

    Seedling season is just a couple of weeks away! I always have terrible luck starting seeds indoors, but my dilapidated cold frame works well (and eliminates the hardening off stage, which I’m terribly inconsistent with). I’ve already prepped the soil in my kitchen garden for greens, radishes, peas and carrots, which will be seeded directly next month.

    How about you? When do you start seeds in your region?

  • Sonja

    thanks for sharing all those great pics (I love espacially the last one of Jeremy and you). And hooray for your splits!
    My love list:
    - attending protests against Pegida (= kind of facist political group which makes it into the news quite a lot these days in Germany)
    - eating delicious vegan food at a street food festival in my neighborhood with my lovely roomies
    - making plans for 2015
    - dancing
    - new sustainable, green, vegan restaurants opening up
    - getting back to volunteering in my community <3

  • Bel

    I swear Waits is the healthiest child I’ve ever seen – he just glows!
    My Love list:
    Getting excited about research again.
    Experimenting with cooking veggies in different types of ways, and in different combinations.
    Being strong enough to scale back bad work stuff to have more time to *think*.
    Rearranging the spare room to be a place of creativity.
    Realizing that in 2015 the world is my oyster, I just have to be brave.

  • stephie137

    Yay, fun post! I’m loving leggings, a new tattoo design, planning the next awesome family road trip (omg all the funs!), kickboxing, my new department at work because of the people and the process and all the new things to learn! Life is full. Full of awesome things and not having any space left for bs, dithering, or drama is awesome. Breakneck pace, all good things.

  • (AL)

    Dearest loved ones; family. Space; time. The privilege of getting to be vegan. Health service providers who go above and beyond in their kindness. My landlord and my heater. My good fortune in clicking one of those burger picture links and then realizing you got the magnets–yay! (Hm, maybe I should get Instagram…)

  • Rebecca Carnes

    We’ve had V is Vegan for a while – we really like that one! But our new ones are Steven the Vegan, Linus the Vegetarian T.Rex, and That’s why we don’t eat animals. The first two are great for little kiddos, the last one might be good for P in a year or so but still a good one!! I wish we could’ve found them at second hand stores, but no luck. Thank goodness for gift cards:)
    Hope you had a great weekend as well!

  • Alina @ Vegan Runner Eats

    My Love List of right now definitely includes Julie Hasson’s latest cookbook, Vegan Casseroles! I’ve made more recipes from it this year so far than from any other source. And of course, green smoothies for breakfast! Also, can I just say: your son is super adorable!

  • Lindsay

    Yes it is SO yumm! I started doing it over the holidays when I wanted a tad more flavor without having to buy flavored coffees. I just cut off about 1/3 of the vanilla bean and cut it in half lengthwise with kitchen scissors to really let the flavor seep out. Then I add the vanilla bean and sometimes a cinnamon stick and let it sit in the french press and steep with the coffee. It’s really delicious you should try! :)