“My ethics get in the way of my income. Like, constantly.”
But that was about something else entirely.
Tonight I’m talking about Tom’s toothpaste. With all of you. Which is sort of unexpected.
To be fair, at first I was just talking to Jeremy, while getting ready for this gallery opening that we’re now sort of late to. But he was like “Um, why don’t you just ask your readers?” and I was like, ” . . . Well . . . Yeah!” So I snapped that pic up there, and scribbled down this little post, and here we are.
So this is the thing. Tom’s toothpaste has offered me a not-insignificant amount of money to partner with them for the next year. This would mean writing for their blog, hosting a twitter chat, stuff like that. And I am conflicted as to whether or not I should do it.
In the pro:
1. I like that Tom’s is cruelty-free, widely-available, and easily accessible to people from all walks of life and in all sorts of situations. I like that this brand is big enough to have “reach”, and thus a healthier option is available to many more people.
2. I use Tom’s. Truth! Jeremy uses it exclusively, and I use it along with my homemade stuff, as well as a few other products. But I do use it, because it is inexpensive and available at Trader Joe’s, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t.
In the con:
1. This brand is owned by the parent company Colgate. Which obviously, is a giant corporation and NOT a natural company. So . . . do I say no to the good part of the bad company, because of the bad part? OR, do I say yes to the good part of the bad company, to help them see the importance of the good part?
2. That’s pretty much it. Number 1 is really the issue I’m having here.
So, what do you guys think? Of course, it’s entirely possible that by writing this very post, I will ruin any chance that I had of this actually happening at all.
Which is sort of the story of my life, haha.
But anyway, it’ll be interesting to hear all y’alls thoughts, and good for me to think about for next time. So please, weigh in! How would you feel if I partnered with Tom’s? How do you feel about this brand?
Thanks all! ♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you all SO MUCH for such wonderful, thoughtful input! I’m touched by how many of you took the time to share your thoughts, and you’ve given me lots to think about. Thank you for being involved, thank you for the support, and thank you for being such an incredible community. You guys are amazing – THANK YOU!
I won’t be able to respond to every comment, but please know that I’ve read them all – at least twice, haha – and I appreciate every single one. ♥
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http://www.thevegancookiefairy.com/ The Vegan Cookie Fairy
The Jolly Fox
Kendra g
Mary Daisy
Bliss Doubt